xxi | notice

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Can someone notice a girl like me?

Can someone like you notice me?

There's a lot of obstacles between us.

There's a lot of people against us.

There's also a lot of people adoring you.

And I am one of them too.

Is there still a chance for you to see me?

To notice me?

Can you still notice me even if I can't reach how high you are?

Even if you are far?

I can't stop it anymore,

And I can't ignore,

The intensity of my feelings,

And it is not helping

To tame my wild heart,

And it hurts a lot.

Because it is beating wildly when it comes to you

I hope you can notice it too.

Because you are a star,

Very hard to reach up high.

Wishing that someday,

I'll get your attention even just in one day.

Will you notice me?

Even just for a day?

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