xxiv | came back for an apology

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As I stare through my phone screen

It feels like there's a keen

Scratching against my skin,

Now I want to scream.

You left me with your promise,

But you also left me with your awfulness.

You attacked me while I am defenseless,

Now I can feel my dreariness.

I heaved a sigh and threw my phone.

I don't want to be alone!

But I know you're not coming back,

And all I can do right now is to do some throwback.

I shut my eyes, tightly.

I know deep inside me, I won't give up easily.

Because I know there's still a glimpse of hope even just a bitty.

Still hoping that you'll be back, rightly.

Even if it is accidentally, nightly, or you just came back for an apology.

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