iv | even just for awhile

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Thinking of you makes me smile,

And I wish you knew you  never go out of style

Even though sometimes you're quite vile

Too much vile you prefer to beguile

You beguile me for awhile,

Even though we just met awhile,

I may know you for awhile,

But you never leave my mind even just for awhile.

Chatting with you is a worthwhile

Even it's just for awhile.

I hope I've made you smile,

Even just for awhile.

You may be far from me like a thousand miles

I still can't wait to write "He smiles"

But I wish you smile because of my existence,

And you'll step in front of me to close the distance

I close my eyes and shook my head,

I know it will never happen until the end,

I want to be happy for you, but I can't pretend.

I know I am just a friend.

I hope you enjoyed my presence even just for awhile.

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