vi | lord of memes

175 15 9

I am so happy that I met you, guys,

I hope this won't end with goodbyes

Because I am having fun talking to all of you 

And I wish you are all being true

Your replies may take a while, 

But don't worry, it's worthwhile,

I hope I can see your smiles,

Even we're far like a thousand miles.

You are all funny,

And I think you are all funky!

Every time we chat, I feel so comfy.

And I know all of you are comely.

I want to mention all of your names

Just like oftentimes

In real life 

Because you are all nice.

You walked into my life,

and left me with a stabbed knife

Because you are all killing me inside

And what can I do? You all decide.

I was never expecting this

I don't even know you guys exist

You entered my life

And now you are all waving goodbye.

I won't forget you all

Cause I can still recall

How we all get started

And how we all ended

I'll treasure our memories

Until centuries

Thank you for being a part of my life

And please stay alive

Cause I'll still hunt you all down,

I'll find your hometown

No matter how far is that town

Even if it is a playground.

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