chapter 9

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The movers came and went at different time however soon stiles house was done for now.
There wasnt much and two bedrooms where empty, one had a desk and his computer but that was it.
That night stiles ordered pizza and decided he would get shopping tomorrow.

That night stiles changed and he and loki went onto the forest.
They ran and played after stiles checked for danger.
After running around like crazies loki was napping in the backyard and stiles was rubbing against trees setting up scent markers to warn off animals.
He trotted back over and gently picked up the kit taking him inside and crawled into bed cuddling him.

Come morning stiles got ready and went grocery  shopping picking up some bowls and some toys for loki.
The teen also made a call to one of his co workers from the movie and asked about getting a manger and he said his manager would send him a number of a managing agency he was apart of.

Stiles got home expecting a call after getting a hold of the company he set up the bowls inside and put an extra bowl which was large out the back and filled it with water.

Loki hadn't moved he was spread out on his back with his tongue hanging out.
While stiles was putting away the shopping he got called back.
"Hello Calcifer you called about an agent?"
"Yes i recently worked as an actor in a movie and decided that since i want to continue acting i should get an agent"
The woman on the line was writing.
"That can be arranged we have a few new agents if you would like to take one however you would have to wait for a more experienced one to become available if you chose otherwise"
Stiles frowned.
"No i want one quickly i will take one on offer"
Stiles informed her what town he lived it so that she could get one close to him.

Stiles got another message from Derek.
Sour wolf: how would one find a kidnapping fairy?

Stiles pulled up google on his phone and had a look.
He messaged the answer to Derek before taking a leap onto his bed an cuddling loki who refused to wake up.
"Things are looking up"

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