Yes, That's Why

180 35 23

Why do I feel this hurt?

Your absence is like getting out of home,
And realising that I didn't take my keys

I feel locked out in your absence

Why do I feel this hurt?

Reaching out to you is like
Plugging my phone to the charger
But forgetting to switch it on

Without you,
I am dead like my phone

Why do I feel this hurt?

Trying to forget you is like
Wearing my T-shirt
Inside out

But unlike my T-shirt
I can't change you right back

Why do I feel this hurt?

My heart is wrinkled
Like my finger after a heavy shower

Apparently,my heart is
Too wet with my own tears

I bookmarked your pages
In my life, a story
But all you gave me
Was paper cut

Yes, that's why
I feel this hurt

(I wish to dedicate it to my good friend,TheFlashxgrant who has motivated and helped me in every way.
Thank ❤ you
for always being there)

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