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Time seems to be sleeping
In the wake of dawn
For you were that sun of mine
That never left me

You lifted me
And kept me
Amidst the shooting stars
And then when I fell for you
From this place so far
You made me your wish
And then you
Made it come true

Dwelling in a place
Where forgetting was difficult
You made me realize that
Remembering was beautiful

I was surrendering to the echos
Of past heartbreaks
But then when I met you
I skipped those beats
That would have ached

You never stole my heart
Nor did I yours
As none of us
Locked it up in first place

Stealing a heart
And breaking it's parts
That's not the kind of love
We feel

Borrowing a soul
And filling it to the core
That's the stamp of
Smaller than three <3

And that's the kind of love
One should seal

(I dedicate it to my newest friend Aditi_Cindrella, Hey_Shine and Freaking_weirdo
Thank you

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