Just ❣ For ❣ You

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I find my tears in your woes
I find my smiles in your joys

I search for my solitude
In echos of my conscience
But even my wilderness
Has lost its significance
In your company

I have dissolved in you,
Like oxygen in blood

I'll give you the reason
Why I ever lived
I lived to be intoxicated by you
To be wrecked by you
To be deoxygenated by you
No matter how much it hurts
I lived to die, just for you

I know you are to carry
Me to my own grave

But I'll follow you gladly
Because I don't mind blistering
If you find your spark
In my burning
I don't mind dying
If you find your being
In my last breath

So I ask you

If I can be your oxygen
So that I could die just for you?

Will you be my blood
So that you would carry me too?

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