Chapter Six; The Dollars Vs. The Russians

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Gangs, criminals, bums, and slumlords are quite popular in Ikebukuro. But, only a few gangs get attention. One of the rising gangs that are becoming quite popular are called The Russian Crime Organization. The members of the organization fairly new to Tokyo. They originated from Russia. The organization is about selling or dealing with illegal weapons. A frequently recommended company to all mediocre gangs, street fighters, thieves etc. The owners of this business is Iingerin Douglanikov, and Drakon. Drakon is also the father of Vorona. She plays a role in this company as well but, her occupation is quite different than, her father's role in the industry. Their getting news spread around Tokyo like crazy.

So, when rising infamous stars get noticed they tend to want to flex their muscles. And, that's what the Russians were planning.The Dollar's name had been bled into Ikebukuro's culture. Everyone at least heard of the Dollars once in their lifetime in Tokyo. Many different reactions wore by different faces when they heard about the Dollars. Some citizens wasn't phased by it, some were scared, others felt some need of justice. Gangs either wanted to be acquainted with them for protection or, envied them. But, the Russians took it as a challenge, and an opportunity. A challenged that needed to be solved. While, The Dollars took it in as amusement.

That day, news spread quickly. The television spoke nothing but the subject of the showdown that was soon to come to be. Chatters spreaded among the streets of Ikebukuro like it would never end. The Dollars this, and The Russians that. Anyone couldn't avoid the topic. Like if it was between Mayweather vs. McGregor (which is totally off topic) The talk wouldn't quiet down. Nor, the whispers wouldn't quit stirring. Unless, something else popped up like the world ending.

Leaving Shizuo stressed for Vorona that day. He is dating a killer after all. The silence bugged him as, he sat down trapped in his worried thoughts. Not even a cigarette could save him now. So, he got up to see Celty, and Shinra at the closest coffee shop he could think of. The joint was small but, welcoming. When he stepped in the doors the brewed scent left his muscles relaxed. In the corner of the place, a biker girl with a cat eared helmet and neck to ankle leather, and Shinra dressed in jeans, and his lab coat to his knees. With a glare from the sun reflecting off his glasses. Celty, and Shinra waved their hands motioning for Shizuo in their direction.

Shizuo sat down with them discussing about Vorona. Celty agreed with Shizuo would help Vorona while, Shinra claimed he will help with medical things. The 3 peas in a pod anxiously sad back, drinking their coffee. Except, for Celty. She just stared out the window processing it all. She wasn't scared, or nervous. But, she didn't particularly care to fight. Personally, she was debating if Vorona was too much for Shizuo in the back of her mind. And was concerned for Shizuo's part. Considering, Shizuo has been her best bud. And the only person she knows well except for Shinra.

But, when it comes to violence her heart grew numb to it. She used to slay people in a heroic way. Back in her time, she was considered a solider. Now a reeper. On a horse, fighting her way for victory. Until, one day fight she lost something that most people take advantage of subconsciously everyday. She lost her own fight. A battle that took off her head.

It was 6 in the evening when she got the phone call. With a frantic Izaya over the phone line. Claiming that his sisters hasn't come home from school. And how his laptop went missing a while back. With The Dollars chat room still opened on the screen. But, it's only use was for contacting Mikado.

Celty's heart started to pump loudly as her chest ached. Her ears began to ring. 'Vorona is going to kill those kids!" Celty's mind yelled in panic. Celty texted Shinra quickly about change in plans. And how it's going to go down. After that, she ran out of the apartment. Hopped on her motorcycle and sped off. Racing off to find Mairu and Kururi. 'This is my job as a Reeper.' Celty thought with determination as she flew the streets of Ikebukuro.

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