Quick Author's Note

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Dear Fellow Readers,

Ha ha ha... (sweat dripping) well, If you read this far in the story I'm glad you have stuck around! Erm, sorry about Vorona's loss to some of her fans. Which I can totally understand people's sadness rn. I actually don't hate Vorona, I think she's cool. But she's not my particular favorite female character to fangirl over. (Celty is my fav :3) You just have to understand it was for the plot.. Now since you have read this far I encourage you to read it all the way! For the good stuff is going to get lit! Lol sorry I'm such a nerd btw. And it wasn't supposed to be dedicated to Vorona anyway it's a SHIZAYA love novel after all! WOOP WOOP. Oh and I've been getting better in Algebra. Stay tuned in!


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