Remembering The Past Hurts

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Derek's POV

I know that Ella told Scott that I was comforting her but it was the other way around. I know I'm supposed to be the big bad wolf but I put on an act just like Ella does I know she is hurting but she still has me and she doesn't have to worry about me. I have to worry about her more than she worries about me but when Clara died it brought up old wounds, of when Kate burned my family and innocent lives there were humans in the fire who were five or six years old. It seemed like the tears wouldn't stop there was no sobbing yes my body was shaking uncontrollably. But Ella was there by my side hugging me as tight as she possibly can letting me know that she isn't going anywhere, and these hugs are the best out of all the hugs she gives me.

Ella's POV:

Derek was taking our mom's death pretty badly I think that when she died it opened up old wounds when his whole family on both sides of his parents burned to death in the house fire. So I knew what I had to do I just had to calm my heart beat and just hug him tightly letting him know I was there and I'm never going to leave. I knew he loved those hugs, he loved all of my hugs but the tight ones that show that I care and that I'm never leaving his side and he returned the hug as tightly as he can without hurting me.

*Time Skip to Tomorrow*

Still Ella's POV:

I woke up and Derek and I fell asleep in the same position but Derek fell asleep before me but every time I would try to get him to let go of me so he could sleep in his own bed his grip would get tighter around me. So I decided he would sleep in my bed with me so I had to wake him up. *whispers* "Derek hey bro you need to wake up and go to your bed." All I got in reply was a "I don't want to sleep by myself Ellie-bear" really what is with people using my old nickname lol. "Dere-bear if you get up we can sleep in my bed, you won't be alone." That gave him a little energy to walk to my room with my assistance. And once I changed and he put his pj's on we got under the covers and he instantly cried again and embraced me in his tight embrace again. And I petted his hair soothing him and hugging him also whispering good things into his ear once his crying ceased I knew he was asleep so I said "Sweet Dreams brother." And fell asleep myself. And now I'm out of bed Derek is still sleeping I mean granted I woke up at 6:00. I decided after I got dressed I decided to pack up my mom's stuff up because Derek won't be able to do it with out crying, I'm doing this for him because if know he hates crying, even in front of me but he'll do it if he is pushed past his breaking point and helping clean up mom's room will push him that point. I was packing up her stuff for two hours and a half. When it was 8:30 I was done and all Derek has to do is re-paint it if he wants, that was when Derek woke up and he had a panic attack when he woke up realizing I wasn't there with him. So he walked around the house frantically searching for me and that's when he saw me in mom's room and sighed in relief. "I thought the Alpha took you Ellie-bear, I was worried to death." "Dere-bear I'm fine okay I packed up mom's room knowing you wouldn't want to do it and I woke up at 6:00. Also you are adorable when you sleep." I told him I had to ease the tension somehow "well Scotty-boy is coming over here to talk about why I know what I know are you ready for this Dere-bear we are going to be talking about mom are you okay with this?" I had to ask him after what happened last night I had to be sure. "I'm fine I just have to put the best act of my life on for those punks I can scare Stiles pretty easily." Derek told me "Really?" I asked in shock "Stiles is scared of a big cuddly bear." I mocked him but he gave me his most famous glare "look I'm sorry that's how I cope my psychologist told me that I cope with humor, I know that Stiles is scared of you I know I am when you get angry and want revenge like you want revenge right now." I told him he thought I didn't know about Laura's death and how whoever killed her is now the alpha I have a suspicion that it is peter my favorite uncle ever but I'm not sure, I mean after all he is in a coma I haven't visited him yet but I'm going to with Derek later today. "What do you mean Ellie-bear?" I gave Derek a 'you know what I'm talking about' look. "I'm talking about Laura's death and how you want to kill the Alpha and become the Alpha to get revenge Dere-bear." "Ok well will you help me with it?" Derek asked me "I'll help you but once you do the killing I'm booking it out of there I don't want to see that part of my big bro, is that okay with you?" I told him because I don't want to see my brother kill someone if it does turn out to be Peter than I don't definitely want to be there to witness the death of my favorite uncle the one who made me laugh when I would cry when Derek was at school.

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