Peter Hale The Awesomest Uncle Ever

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Still Ella's POV:

"Dere-bear can you drop me off at the hospital?" I asked Derek because I really wanted to visit Peter and pay him back for the times when he would make me happy when I was sad and Derek was at school. "Yea sure Ellie-bear why?" "No reason, Dere-bear I just want to spend some quality time with Peter." I told him and looked up from what I was doing and stopped making Dere-bear's breakfast, and he had a shell-shocked expression it looked like on his face. "You want to see the uncle that I never liked?" see I knew Derek never liked Peter but what Derek didn't know is what Peter did for me when he was at school, Peter helped me control my abilities before I was sent to a mental hospital for talking to myself and hearing things in my head. "Yes Derek, look I know you don't like Peter but you don't know what he has done for me. It's time I re-pay him for what he has done, so can we go?" I told him with a stern expression on my face "Yea we can go Ellie-bear, I'll finish making and I'll eat the breakfast you made me and you finish getting ready. And what about you what are you going to eat?" Shit shit shit!!! abort ship abort ship!!! he is going to find out that I haven't been eating lately look for an apple or a banana! gotcha. "An apple I'm not very hungry for a huge breakfast." I take a bite of an apple to prove my point and finish it on the way to the bathroom and do my hair and change my outfit because the outfit I changed into this morning were sweats and a spaghetti tank top not appros. for going out of the house. I pick out a crop top with a white tiger on the front with a neon pink tank under and a pair of Aztec print jeans and throw the core away in my bathroom garbage and grab my purse and put my phone and my 'halo' charger in case I need to charge my phone and my original charger. I also put some of Peter's favorite books in there so I could read them to him and I was ready and I yelled to Derek even though I didn't really need to "Hey Derek are you ready yet?" he yelled back "Yea, are you?" "Yea I am just hold on a sec." I said as I was coming down the stairs texting Scott.

*text convo.*

Ella: Hey Scotty-boy I'm not going to be at school and home today. Hanging out at the hospital today.

Scotty-boy: Okay well can we talk tomorrow I really need to talk about all this supernatural crap and trying to control my anger and why are you going to the hospital?

Ella: well I'll see what time I finish visiting Derek and my uncle and I can help you control your anger if I can't finish up earlier then ask Stiles I have a feeling that he knows what to do. Also you need an anchor and I have a feeling that anchor is Allison, so if you get angry and are about to shift try to find her voice I think it will help you shift back into a horny teenage boy.

Scotty-boy: okay well have fun I on the other hand will not because I have to get Stiles to talk to me again lol bye.

Ella: bye Scotty.

*end text convo*

"Okay let's go Big D." If you haven't noticed yet I have a lot of nicknames for my big bro, some fuel his ego like this one and the others help calm him down and make him listen to me. When I call him Big D he gets a big head and I need him to have it so he can feel better about him dropping me off with Peter. "Okay let's go Ellie-Bear." he said with a smug look liking the nickname I called him, see big head.

*TimeSkip to being in Peter's room*

"Knock knock" I say entering the room, "Hey Uncle Peter how are you doing, I feel terrible I wish I could have saved you. I also wish that I didn't have to leave but I needed too I walked around like a zombie but I'm back now with zero parents. Yep Clara (mum) is dead, Peter I know that you killed Laura and that you turned Scott and that you want him to kill his pack and join yours and you also want Derek." I say this I didn't know for sure but his eyes widened in shock and I now knew for sure it was true "But I won't say anything because you are my favorite uncle and you helped me and I'll help you but only to a certain degree I don't want anymore deaths concerning you killing people and I'm assuming that you want to kill Kate and I want to kill her too and I want to help you with that. But once if we kill Kate I have a sneaky suspicion that Gerard is going to come and declare war on all werewolves and supernatural beings that was involved in her death in Beacon Hills and if that lands me dead then I don't care." I tell him which is true I don't care if I die if it is for Derek and all of my friends I don't care if I die after all it is my destiny I was born to die but only Peter and I know about my destiny I've tried telling my mum about it but I guess she knew but didn't tell me and I guess that is why I'm back in Beacon Hills.

Peter's POV:

I was lying in my bed catatonic to the outside world but in reality I was just trying to heal and I had to kill Laura for the Alpha powers so that I can heal almost completely there is one more peice to the puzzle and that is Ellie and I need to take some of her ablilties so she can heal me completely and I feel bad for that but after all she was born to die. She came today and told me all about how she knew that I was the one that killed Laura and all those people because I wanted revenge, WOW I knew she was smart but not that smart. Not even Derek with his numbskull head has figured it out, but I have to let this slide because I mean Clara just died and he thought of her as a mother Im sure he is more than grieving right now.  And when she said that she wanted revenge on Kate her tone was darkening even I was scared of my little (niece) and Im the big bad wolf. Visiting hours were over and she had to leave and I was sad she read me my favorite books and I remembered every single word, I can't believe that she remembered my favorite books.

Ellie's POV:

I dialed Derek's number on my phone and waited for him to pick up I know since of my Hard of Hearing problem it is hard for me to talk verbally over the phone if I can't hear Derek all that well and he didn't pick up and I got his voicemail.

"HEY! Dere Bro I'm finished and I need you to pick me up in your sweet Camero. I'm going to start walking on the way to the house because I don't want to wait."

I started walking out of Uncle Peter's room and went outside and that is when I got hit in the back of my head and the world went black as I faded into oblivion hoping to god that Derek checks his voice mail...

**A/N** OKAY so major clifhanger I know but I was browsing my profile and saw that this book has the most popular readings more than any one that I have written so I thought you mates needed an update I think I'm going to update more later today comment below if you want an Update later today. Mates I need you to bear with me because Netflix as you guys may already know have kicked Teen Wolf off of Instant Streaming so I can't re-watch the episodes and catch up, I haven't seen any episodes past season 2 sorry :( and the story might not fit the episodes exactly because Im going off of memory and what I remember of the episode IM SO SORRY! Well Comment, Vote and Follow if you want, and if you comment it really helps me update more don't be a ghost reader because I doo the same thing and I feel bad now I try to put a comment here and there. Constructive Critisim helps a lot so please feel free to leave your critism in the comments and sorry for my lame grammar I type fast and try to edit as best as I can.

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