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Hey guys! These chapters are unedited and I might go back and tweak a few stuff as I write the story. I'll let you guys know when I do, though.

I will also be dedicating the chapter to the first commenter on each chapter!


"Natalie!" I yell, running after by best friend as fast as a newly graduated college student can, which is pretty slow. She graduated a year before me, so I guess all the "college arthritis" has left her body already.

After running a few more feet, she swiftly turns around, letting her long skirt fold and bounce around her. She then proceeds to fold her arms and give me her signature smirk.

"What sport did you do in college, again?" She laughs, dropping and sitting on the freshly mowed grass.

"Um, reading," I respond sarcastically, following her example while gasping for air. "It's eye exercise, if you didn't know already."

"Mhm, and you're in better shape than me, the girls' ex-varsity tennis captain. This is totally not fair," she exclaims, flipping her auburn hair sassily.

"I don't distribute them genes, honey," I unexpectedly say in a heavy southern accent.

We both laugh until we realize that the people at the park are awkwardly staring at us. Have they never had a best friend before?

"Okay," I say when we have our fair share of laughing. "Truth or Dare."

"Um, truth," replies Natalie. I knew it.

"Why are you smiling so much today?" I ask, quickly adding: "Have you met your Prince Charming?"


I quickly get on one knee and face the closest tree possible.

"Natalie," I say in a deeper voice, trying to add as much cheesy emotion into it as possible. "You are awesome. I don't know anything about you, but will you be my wedded knife, I mean wife?"

"Seriously, Brooke?" she laughs rolling her eyes. "You didn't know?"

She has a guy-friend???

I need to remind her of the pact.

"What's his name?" I ask, a little concerned.

"His name is Job."

"Like, Job from the Bible Job?"

"Not really," she says, fighting back a smile. "He interviewed me a few weeks ago and accepted me."




"You got a job! Natalie Eaton, you got a job and you didn't tell me!" I exclaim, relieved that she didn't have a boyfriend.

"Well, now you know, Brooke Atwood," she smirks.

"What is it?" I question, clasping my hands in excitement.



"You mean The BenuxCorp."

She nods her head.

"Natalie Eaton!!!" I yell, standing up and cupping my hands in front of my mouth, creating a 'megaphone.' "My friend got a job in BenuxCor...."

Natalie pulls me down, but Mission Accomplished! People start clapping around us, some even whistling. I could see the blush creeping in on Natalie's face. But her grey eyes are murderous.

"Truth or Dare, Brooke Atwood," she exclaims, her killer eyes steadily looking into mine.

"Dare," I say easily, breaking eye contact and lying down on the grass with my hands behind my head. What is she going to do, huh?

"You are going to go to BunexCorp right now to get a job interview."

I think I just fainted.


Okay, so that's chapter one--just laying the groundwork. Was just wondering--has any brave soul gotten dared to a job interview?

Also, what do you guys think of the characters so far?

DECEPTION: THE PACTOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant