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We walk in through the spotless automatic doors and are greeted with a gush of cold air. The fact that my clothes are wet doesn't really help that much too. And that's when I come up with my "brilliant" idea.

"Hey, Nat. I'm going to the restroom one sec," I say, making my way toward the restrooms.

"I'll wait out here," I hear her say as I close the door.

Ohh, fancy!

The restroom is literally made out of gold. Well, not really. But still! It's like ten times better than the ones in those millionaire magazines. Nat is so lucky!

I make my way toward the stainless steel XLERATOR hand dryer and carefully undo my bun and stick my head under the machine.
After letting it dry for about a minute, I look into the mirror to see my hair naturally wavy again, so I just leave it down

Then I crudely dry the front of my shirt and jeans and I am ready to go. To tell the truth, I look better than I did this morning with the 30 minute prep.

Oh, and thanks for the jacket Natalie, but no thanks. I won't be needing it anymore.

I walk out of the restroom and see that Nat is talking with this guy, most probably an employee. I make my way towards them and awkwardly stand behind her. I don't think I'm in the mood to meet people.

But no, Natalie had to introduce me to this weirdo guy.

Yes, that's prejudice right there because I don't even know who this guy is.

"This is my friend, Brooke," Natalie introduces. "Brooke, this is Wyatt. Wyatt Stanley."

Wait. Why does that name sound familiar?
Oh my goodness.
The son of Ted Stanley.

I gulp audibly, not knowing what to do. I look into his eyes, expecting to find them extremely proud, but instead they are amused.

"Nice to meet you, Brooke," he says, extending his hand. "Natalie was just telling me how much you've been preparing for and anticipating this interview."

Haha, ya right.

"Yes, I've been preparing day and night," I reply sarcastically. He apparently doesn't catch the sarcasm, though, so he just shakes his head.

I suddenly realized that Nat isn't by me anymore. I look around to see where she went, but she's nowhere in sight. Ya, nice way to ditch your friend, Nat.

"It's not that bad," Wyatt continues. "There's just a panel of seven people. Ted Stanley (my father), Wayne Prescott, Renée McCoy, and a few other associates. Trust me, it'll be a breeze," he assures me.

Yes, it'll be a breeze, with some of the world's cockiest yet smartest millionaires. Yes, thanks for the lies, Wyatt.

"You ready?" He asks, raising a brow.

You know what, I'm going to go in there like I prepared day and night, even though I haven't. I'm going to go in there with self esteem. I'm not going to let my nervousness get a hold of a potential future job at this place.

"I was born ready," I return, following Wyatt to the interview room.


Have you guys ever used a hand dryer for a reason other than hand drying?

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