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I walk into the room and my jaw falls to the ground. The place is made of marble and it's just an interview room! I see the panel sitting across the room, their faces melancholy. Wyatt picks up my jaw just in time for me to introduce myself.

"Hello, my name is Brooke Atwood, and I am thankful for the time you have taken to interview me today," I manage to blurt when I have reached a few feet before the panel.

They all look at me skeptically for a moment as if I am an endangered species of butterfly from South America. Finally, the man sitting in the middle, Ted Stanley, speaks.

"Thank you, you can go now, Wyatt," and Wyatt leaves the room.

"We hear you have been looking forward to working with us," says the woman sitting to Stanley's right, Renee McCoy. She has a velvety voice, but I guess I'll have to get used to it, hopefully only for the span of this interview.

"Yes," I lie. "You can say that."

"I see in your credentials that you have done a good deal of work in high school and college," Stanley cooly rematks as he flips through pages out of a thick stack.

Natalie gave them my resume too? I can never trust this girl again.

"Well, whenever I put my mind to do something, I do it," I defend. "Growing up, my parents and friends encouraged me to tackle even the greatest challenges in life," I reply, honestly this time.

"Awesome. And call me Ted, please," he waves his hands, the melancholy facade gone. "We have been going over your credentials for about a week already..." Wow, Nat, when did you plan this out? "... since we take hiring a new member of the BenuxCorp family very seriously. And from what we see right now, we need an up going and positive person like you in our company. We would like to give you a position in the Technological and Enterprise Development Department, or what we like to call, TEDD."


Did they just offer me a job in... in BenuxCorp TEDD???

My English professor's son works there! He used to brag so much to us that our class decided to all wear earplugs when he even mentioned the company's name.

"My son, Martin Nelson, works at BenuxCorp. Not only does he work there, but he works in the TEDD!" He exclaimed.

"What's the TEDD?" a sassy girl in our class asked, laughing. The room went quiet as all heads turned to her, looking at her as if she were stupid.

"How DARE YOU insult me!" exclaimed Professor Nelson, rapping his hand against his desk. "The principal of this great university will have something to say to you, young lady. "

And I don't even want to remember the rest. I don't want to remember that man. Something was definitely off about him, although you can't really blame him, since he went through a lot of problems in his life. His wife left him after their son was born.

How I know? Don't even ask.

But the fact's still there...he was over-dramatic. We were mean.

Counterbalances, right?

But here I am, and they just offered me a position my professor was boasting about. No is not even going to be a word in my vocabulary. I'm not even going to think twice. This is an unexpected shooting star, but I'm going to catch it.

"I cannot express my current overflow of gratitude right now," I slowly start, my hands knitting and my eyes scanning the panelists. "I don't think there is even a word fit to describe the happiness you have brought me as I open a new door in my life that I have dreamed of for years. So yes, I do accept a position in your TEDD program."

They all start clapping and smiling.

How genuine it is, I cannot completely access.
"Congratulations, Brooke Eaton. Welcome to BenuxCorp," says Ted Stanley as I shake hands with all the panelists.

"Thank you so much for the amazing opportunity," I say and leave the room.

As I turn around a corner, I see Natalie and practically jump at her.

"Thank you, Nat, so much!!!!" I almost yell, but she puts a hand in front of my mouth.

"Shhh, you're going to wake up all these dead employees," she says, pointing to an employee snoozing on his desk.

We both laugh as we walk out of the doors and are greeted by Wyatt who has gotten Starbucks for us.

Of course, Natalie's orders.

"Thank you so much, Wyatt!" I say as I take my White Mocha Frappuccino out of the cup holder. "I got the job!"

"Welcome to the BC family!" he exclaims, giving me a side hug.

"Thanks! Love the acronym by the way!"

He lightly smiles and gives Nat her Cappuccino.

"Well, I better get going. I can't leave my post for more than ten minutes. See you two later," he waves and walks back into the shooting star I just caught.

As we make our way into the car, I can't help but recollect the turn of events.

If you told me that I would be a BenuxCorp employee an hour ago, let alone working at the TEDD, I would ask you which mental hospital you just escaped from.

No, I wouldn't be that mean.

"Wanna continue our game of truth or dare?" Nat asks mischievously as we get into her car.

"No way, sister," I laugh. "That's enough for one day."


What are your thoughts about Wyatt from what you've read so far? Also, what's your favorite drink at Starbucks?:)

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