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It's Monday, four days since I got the interview at BC.

And what have I been doing for the past four days?

I've been doing online training all weekend, and it's been draining. But, hey, it's worth it! Because, we're talking about BC.

And it's going to be my first day working there.

Nat and I decided that we could carpool together since parking at BC is like trying to find the perfect amount of sugar to put in your morning coffee.

Which is pretty much impossible.

I practically got no sleep tonight because of the butterflies flying in my stomach. This was practically a dream come true. And even if I did sleep, my dreams would be preoccupied with what would happen at BenuxCorp.

Yup, I'm pretty much obsessed.

When I finally decided to get out of bed, which was around 5:30, I quickly took a shower and got ready. My wardrobe choice is not really phenomenal since I'm not really a clothes person. I wear black leggings and top it with a half lace burgundy blouse. I slip on my black flats while styling my hair in a loose bun.

I know, I'm extremely stylish, right? But who am I trying to impress? Ted? Or the sleeping employees? Nope, not even Wyatt. I barely even know the guy. Actually, maybe I'm trying to impress Nat. Nah, her taste's no better.

I know, I'm mean.

I stuff a protein bar in my bag, grab my coffee, and head out of my apartment by seven.

They asked us to be there at eight.

Well, guess we'll be early.

Or not.

"Wake up, sleepy head," I yell as I jump on Nat's bed. When she got a room at this apartment, she gave me a copy of her key and I gave her a copy of mine from my apartment. Her apartment is about 15 minutes away from mine, so the drive is pretty short.

Why don't we share an apartment? Good question. Well, we're both really independent and refuse to help each other out. It's that simple, you know.

Haha, no.

It's just that she got her apartment right after college, so when I finished college a year after, she was already used to her independence and I kind of like mine too.

I suggested that we can share an apartment, like we would a dorm, but she refused for some reason.

My parents and Nat's parents (who are neighbors) live about 3 hours away from our current location, so commute wasn't even an option for us.

So here I am, and I just invited myself into her apartment and am trying to wake this dozer up, but she's not even budging.


"I'll dump freezing cold water on you," I warn.

No response.
Okayyy then.

I make my way to her super tiny kitchen and look in her freezer, praying that she has ice.
Which, she doesn't.
I groan internally, consequently opening her refrigerator. A bunch of IN and OUT condiments and a half chewed out apple.


My eyes turn to the side and see a few chilled bottles of water.

I think I have an idea.

I grab a bottle of water and make my way to her medicine drawer. It's surprisingly organised, so I easily find a latex glove. I uncap the bottle and place it in the opening of the glove, waiting a few seconds until the glove is pretty much full of water.

I proceed to tie a knot around the opening. The water is so cold! I grab a small knife and puncture a minature hole in each of the fingers.

Haha! My evil plan is complete.

I tip toe to Nat's room, even though there's no real reason to. She's practically snoring. I point the fingers towards her head and slowly apply pressure to the palm. Squirts of water stream out of each finger simultaneously.

This is so awesome!!

"Uh, you're so cruel!!" yells Nat, grabbing for her comforter. Except, I threw her comforter on her side chair. So she's just grabbing at air. And the sprinkling water.

"You'll pay for this," she retorts, jumping out of her bed and dashing towards her restroom. She does manage to swing a pillow at me on her way. I attempt to throw the now empty glove at her, but it only manages to hit the door.

Nonetheless, Mission Accomplished!!


What would you do if you were Natalie, being squirted with water?

By the way, I tried the glove thing and it actually works! (Although my bro got really annoyed, which is the point, right?;)

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