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Why would everyone be late except this guy and me? I mean, Wyatt mentioned to me that the company was known for its promptness.

This just doesn't... click.

Why would they tell everyone, and then only two people show up?

Or maybe, there was no meeting.

Maybe, they didn't tell everyone.

"Do you have your own office?" I ask him.

He gives me a confused expression as if he is trying to read my mind. I can almost see the wheels turning.

"Ya, they gave me an office. But today's my first day," he responds, placing his elbow on the table and leaning his head on it.

"I got my office today too, but that's not the point.

"The point I'm trying to make is, what if... what if they didn't tell everyone there was a meeting? What if someone set two of us up so that we can be here--at the same place at the same time?"

A look of realization spreads across his face.

What does he know that I don't?

"Are you..." he begins, but is cut off by someone walking into the room.

A certain someone, none other than Martin Nelson.

Is seriously don't want to see him right now.

"Oh, hey guys!" he says, looking at the two of us and walking to the coffee machine. "Did we have a meeting that I missed?" he continues, laughing.

I quickly look at the guy sitting next to me, then back at Martin.

"No, we were just discussing the new job opportunities here, since both of us are new here," I respond.

Martin's back is turned to us as he makes his coffee. He continues rambling about stocks or something.

I feel someone touch my hand, and I look at the guy sitting next to me.

He's mouthing the word phone.


Oh, he wants my phone number, but I don't have anything to write on. I would have brought a pencil, but my office only had sticky notes.


After debating for a few seconds, I take out my phone and am going to type the password when Martin turns around again.

I quickly toss my phone in his lap and pretend to be straightening out my shirt.

"So what do you guys think of the company's stock?" Martin asks, sipping on his coffee and resting his arm on one of the chairs.

I glance at the guy, then realize that I hadn't told him my password.


Um, okay, let's give this a shot. I give him a smile and then look back at Martin.



"I'm not sure now," I say distinctly, hoping the guy next to me understands.

I see a smirk work up his face as he types in the password using the first letters of each word.

Seeing my success, I continue my conversation with Martin.

"I mean, at this point, we're new with the company, so we still need some time. But I am sure the stocks here are amazing."

I see that Martin is looking at the guy suspiciously, especially because he's smirking.

"Actually, we were talking about stocks before you came, so he's putting the app on my phone," I say motioning to the guy.

He smiles and gives me back my phone.

"I wasn't able to download it because I don't know your iTunes password, but it's in your recently searched, so you can find it and download it," he says.

Even though it seems to work, Martin doesn't look too convinced and stays put in his spot, looking at the view.

Well, the guy wouldn't be able to finish his sentence from like five minutes ago, but I have his number now.

And there seems to be no real meeting, so I decide to leave.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," I say shaking the guy's hand and stand up. I hadn't technically met him, but I got to know him a little. Hopefully, he put his name when he wrote his number. His handshake is firm and when our eyes meet, I feel like he has so much to tell, but can't. I'll just have to meet up with him ASAP after this."Nice seeing you again, Martin."

He smiles and nods, sipping on his coffee, but stops me after realizing something.

"I don't think I got your number," he says, scrolling through his phone, then handing me his phone that was open to a new contact page.

I glance at the guy again, but he seems too absorbed in his phone. I quickly type my contact in, handing it back to Martin.

"Let me give you my number too," he says opening his hand.

It's weird, but I unlock my phone and give him my phone.
After a few seconds, he gives me my phone back.
I turn on my heels, to say bye to the guy again, but I turn around to find that he has gone.

What in the world?

"Um, okay, see you around," I tell Martin before heading out.

"And Brooke?" he asks as my hand is on the knob.

I turn around and smile. A forced smile. I know what's coming.

"Why did you get all weird when you heard my name this morning?"

I wasn't supposed to know his name when we did the transaction, but I found out.

Hopefully he doesn't know it's actually that me that he is talking to.

"Just not good when meeting new people," I manage to say before leaving the room.

DECEPTION: THE PACTWhere stories live. Discover now