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I finally make it to the thirteenth level and thank God that I'm out of the elevator because I am definitely going to use the stairs next time.

I mean, the prank on Wyatt and Nat was so worth it, but getting stuck in the elevator with Ronald Reagan telling me to not trust anyone at my brand new job hurt. A lot.

I mean, that's the point of having an awesome job, right? You have to trust your boss, manager, peers. Plus, it's the biggest company in Oregan with international reputation! I mean, like, what in the world?

But here comes a guy who has done his research and knows who I am, telling me to "suspect everyone." Seriously???

Wait. How did he know I was in the elevator?

UH, this is so confusing! Whatever the world this is, I'm going to have to work my way around it. Slowly.

I walk through the glass doors leading to my specific department. It's extremely cold inside, maybe sixty degrees.

There is a large conference table in the middle of the room. The walls of the room are covered with glass doors that lead to individual offices.

There is a green neon sticky note on one of the doors. I get into a range close enough to read it.


Light streams out as I open the door. It is glorified with  the sunlight coming in through a huge yet glamorous window.

I sit down on a leather couch placed against the wall and take a snap of the room and send it to Nat.

Haha, I have my own office! I text her.

Natalie's prompt response causes me to chuckle mischievously: WHATT???  I only have a tiny cubicle with absolutely no breathing space!

That's what you get, Nat, for.....

My thoughts are disturbed by a deep and booming voice on the speaker placed on my desk.

Conference Room. 5 min.

I look at my watch-- 8:55.


After looking thoroughly through all the drawers, I decide that I need to stock up. There is literally nothing in here! I can't do my job using sticky notes!

I resolve to leave my office a little earlier because I really don't want to be the last person arriving because then everyone stares at you and all the blah.

So I go to the conference room and take a seat on one of the blue roller chairs, choosing the one that seemed farthest away from attention.

Yup, I hate attention.

A guy comes in a little after me. I glance at my watch.

It's 9:03 and there are only two people including me!

The guy also seems to dislike attention and takes a seat a few chairs away from me.

"You new?" he asks, looking at his phone.

I don't respond, fearing that he is talking to someone on the phone because he is wearing an earplug in one ear and the microphone is in close proximity to his mouth.

So I just tap my fingers against the conference table, absentmindedly staring out the window. The view is amazing!


The suddenly strong voice startles me, and I look sideways and see that the guy is sitting right next to me.

"What in the world?" I ask almost jumping out of my seat.

The guy looks pretty young, maybe a little older than me, so I don't think I mind too much. But if it was an older guy or even gal, that would be awkward.

"Wow, I didn't know my question was that difficult," he sighs, leaning back in his seat. A small smirk works up his face as he sees my startled expression.

"Ya, I'm new here!" I respond with the same intensity as his, also leaning back in my seat. Sheeshhh....

He looks a little confused but quickly hides it behind a smirk. This guy smirks way too much.

"Are you new here?" Maybe he knows who Alek Gorman is. But can I trust him with that info? I barely even know this guy.

Remember what Ronald Reagan said....Susupect everyone. I think I'll stick with that, even though I don't know if I should trust Ronald Reagan either.

"Ya, this is my first day here," he replies, taking off his earplugs and rolling them around his fingers in a neat circle.

If it was any other guy, he would stuff it in his pocket. Hey, I even do that sometimes!

I raise an eyebrow as he does this, and he seems to notice my reaction because he starts laughing.

"Suprised?" he asks as he places his earplugs in his laptop case.

"Very," I respond, smiling.

I glance at my watch to see that it is ten minutes past nine, and still, nobody is here.

"Do you think we came to the wrong conference room?" I ask him. I look to see if he has a nametag, but he doesn't, just like me.

"I am 100% sure it's in here," he says, looking around the room, then at his watch.

This doesn't make sense.

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