why hate

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Fuck. I don't understand a lot of what people do, I admit to that. But what irks me most, what boils my blood, what twists my gut until I scream in pain, is cruelty. The things people do to other people.

What they say.

What they write on the internet and on posters which they raise as they riot. People hate other people, for.....existing.

People yell at other people, for.....loving. Living, loving, thinking....wrong.

The fact that someone has the audacity to stand in front of another person and say to them that they don't deserve to live, because of what they desire, kills me. Why care that they like men, or women?

Why hate them for not feeling comfortable in their gender?

Why spit at them for feeling against or for religious beliefs?

You don't have the right, to take rights away from another person.

A man who fell in love with another man.

A girl who feels more comfortable in a suit and tie than the frilly dresses she's forced to wear.

A young soul who likes video games and barbies, boys and girls, and cant decide which one they identify with.

A troubled teen sent away by their parents for finding everyone attractive.

A lonely girl, faking smiles, holding down her vomit when she kisses her boyfriend, because she's never felt attracted to anyone.

These are people.


From the day they are born they have been treated differently; hated. For what? Loving.

Loving something or someone that doesn't fall into society's rules.

Why care how they look, or how they dress, or what gender they are?

Treat them with respect.


Don't be afraid to ask what gender they are. Don't be afraid to compliment a man's tiara, or the pattern on a woman's suit. Don't hesitate to tell a couple on the street how cute they are, no matter their gender.

Why hate?

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