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I like to look at the little things. The tiny quirks people do when they think no one is watching. Or even the things that someone does without noticing it, themselves.

Like how my stepmother's hands shake violently while she attempts to untangle her necklace chains.

Or how my dad reaches over to shake my hair and rub my shoulders in the car. But whenever it is mentions he is clueless.

Or how my boyfriend flicks his eyes toward me whenever we are in a large group of people, watching as I naturally take the lead.

Or how I just realized that I play with my lips absentmindedly. Explaining why my boyfriend blushes profusely whilst I study.

These little things that separate us from every other individual, but- we don't even notice them about ourselves. How are other people supposed to notice the tiny beautiful things we do, if we cant even see them about ourselves.

I like to look at the little things.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2017 ⏰

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