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I start to think. How can I become a Queen B? How do I get Becky Baxter to notice me? I already rejected Layla's plan, so that's a no-go.

I maneuver myself through the crowd, as always. I make it to my locker. Then, I notice something.

A large, fuchsia, sparkly makeup bag sits on one of the lower shelves.

I remember this. A month or so ago, Layla insisted that I keep this bag in my locker at all times. It has everything I need in case of a girl-emergency. From dry shampoo to lady supplies, this bag is like a first-aid kit for beauty.

I put my books on another shelf and pick up the bag. It's heavier than I remember.

Then, an idea strikes me.

I'll skip lunch and go put some makeup on. Layla always tells me that if I cake my face, I'll get more attention.

I run to the bathroom and unzip the bag. I'm starting to put some foundation on a beauty sponge when I hear a laugh from behind me.

"Honey, you're gonna clog your pores. Here, you need to put primer on first."

I look into the mirror and see a girl. She's a tall, skinny African-American, with her thick black hair falling in cornrows down her back. She grins at me, revealing shiny white teeth.

"Um, hi," I say awkwardly. She girl laughs again and approaches me. She rummages through my bag and pulls out a small bottle of a clear gel. "You put this on before foundation, or else you'll clog those pores of yours."

She pumps the product onto my fingertips and tells me to apply it evenly all over my face. She then guides me through the rest of my "beauty routine"; foundation, brows, eyeshadow, etc.

The girl finishes with a few spritzes of setting spray. "There you go. Look at yourself."

I look in the mirror. I'm shocked for a second. Who is that Disney princess staring back at me? I almost look like...

"Rapunzel?!" I exclaim.

Mystery Girl chuckles. "Yeah, you do kinda look like Rapunzel!"

Tina was right! I do look like a Disney princess!

I smile at her. "Thanks for your help. I know nothing about makeup."

"No problem!" She looks at the hot pink watch in her wrist. "Ah, gotta get to class!"

I realize something at that minute. That girl just sacrificed her lunch period to help make me pretty.

"Wait!" I shout as she's leaving. "You just skipped lunch for me?"

She shrugs. "It's the least I could do for someone like you. I saw you about to ruin your skin with that foundation, and I knew you needed help."

I laughed.

"My name's Blair. Blair Brenner." I extend my hand awkwardly.

She accepts my hand. "Thalia Prince."

I smile as we shake hands. "Well, thanks again, Thalia!"

"My pleasure, Blair!"

And she's gone.


When I come out of the bathroom, people crowd the halls. Instead of avoiding everyone, I hold my head high and just walk. I bump into a few people. They don't look at me.

I stop at my locker to put the makeup bag away. I look at myself again in the little mirror I keep on my locker door. I decide to take my tube of peach lip gloss and stash it in my bag.

Then, I hear Layla calling my name.

I can't let her see me! I'm wearing makeup, for goodness sakes! I don't know what her reaction will be.

I slam my locker door and quickly walk away. I'm already late for History.

When I get to class, the teacher is handing out papers. The words "Pop Quiz!" Are written on the board in bubble letters.

As if you can make a pop quiz fun!

I plop myself down in my seat. The teacher comes over to me with my quiz. She looks shocked for a second, then hands me my paper. "Good luck, Blair. I hope you studied!"

I look down at my paper. I see the first question.

What year did Thomas Jefferson return home from France?

A. 1780
B. 1776
C. 1789
D. 1795

I know this. It's C.

Maybe this quiz won't be so bad after all!


Okay. I need to find Becky and get her to notice me. My face won't look like this on Monday!

I look around in the crowd. I have a free period right now. Hopefully, the Queen Bs are out here, too.

Then, I spot them.

Becky is sitting on top of one of the round tables in the courtyard. Everyone around her is looking at her like she's a goddess. She's telling a story that apparently very funny, because her adoring fans are laughing every time she pauses.

Bianca is on her fancy iPhone X, typing away. She looks done with everyone.

Britney is "flirting" with three nerds. I don't know what she's saying, but it's probably something along the lines of, "I'll go on dates with each of you if you do my homework!"

Layla is nowhere to be seen. She's probably in Algebra right now.

Holding my head high, I walk over to the Queen Bs. My heart is pounding out of my chest.

I will become popular.

I will become popular.

As I'm nearing the table, I fall. I hear laughing from boys. I feel my face turn red.

One of the jerky football players just tripped me!

"Aw man! Look at her!" one boy guffaws.

"Hiya, Princess! What are you doing here?" another asks.

"Yeah, only popular kids are allowed here!"

I'm getting to my feet when I hear someone scolding the boys. "Shut up! Look at her! You made her scrap her knee!"

Wait. Becky Baxter is standing up for me?!

I hear Bianca shriek. "Eww! Why is there an insect on the ground! Why are you helping it, Becky?!"

Becky rolls her eyes. "Whatever, Bianca! The boys tripped her, so I'm helping her."

Becky looks at me. A smile crosses her face as she extends her hand out to me. "Becky Baxter. As you probably already know."
Duh. You're the queen of the school. I'm trying to become popular like you so I can remain friends with Layla McAdams.  

I have to bite my tongue to keep myself from saying that. I need to get on her good side.

I accept her hand. "I'm Blair... Blair Brenner."

Becky's brown eyes glitter with confusion after I say my name. "Pardon?"

"My name's Blair Brenner."

She smiles. "Double-B initials?"

"Um, yes?"

Bianca and Britney had joined us at this point. "Was that a question?" Bianca sneers. She crosses her arms and and leans on one leg, glaring at me with those dark eyes.

I quickly correct myself. "Yes. Double-B initials."

Becky pulls out her phone and starts typing. Moments later, Britney and Bianca's phones ding with a notification. After a few minutes of their texting, even though they are right next to each other, they look up at me.

"Call your parents or whoever is picking you up and tell them you got a ride with the Queen Bs," Becky says.

I'm speechless.

"Do it. Now. Or else we'll rethink out invitation," Bianca commands.

I have to stop myself from screaming.

Are they telling me that they're considering me as a Queen B?!

I text Layla. Your mom doesn't have to pick me up, I got a ride with my dad!

There. That's not suspicious at all!

"Okay, it's done!" I exclaim.

Britney grins, her pearly white teeth gleaming in the sunlight. "You look like Rapunzel from Tangled. Do you know that? 'Cause you totally should."

I smile and nod. "So I've heard."

Queen BsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin