•Boy Trouble•

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The week flew by. Makeup, fancy lunches, attention, questions, and death glares from Bianca had become part of my daily routine. To be honest, I actually really like it! Minus the "death glares from Bianca" part, obviously. People are still calling me the new-B, but I don't mind. At least I'm a Queen B now!

Oh, my gosh. I'm a Queen B! I still can't grasp the reality. I'm freaking popular!

Layla's been really excited about all of this. She calls me daily since we never get to talk at school. I've been getting rides home from Becky. Sometimes I wonder how much money her family has. A personal limo?! Her parents must be billionaires.

It's Friday again. Exactly a week ago, I was noticed by Becky. I went into my closet to pick out my outfit.

After careful consideration, I settle on a dark blue denim skirt, a white top, and a light pink bomber jacket. I slip on my new white Adidas and style my hair in a messy high ponytail. I slip a rose gold ring into my pointer finger, then do my makeup and spritz some citrus-scented perfume on my wrists.

Layla still gives me rides to school. We still walk in together and stuff. Then, she goes with her group, and I find the Queen Bs. We go off and do our separate things.

"Katie and the other cheerleaders are talking about you," Layla says to me when I get into her car.

I put my backpack on the floor next to hers. "Really? What are they saying?"

"It's a mix of good and bad. Some are in awe at how far you've come in just a week. Others think you're... a fake."

I bite my tongue. "...Okay." I guess this is a popularity thing. People gossiping behind your back. It's definitely new to me, getting attention on a daily basis.

"What do you mean, a fake?"

"Well, they think you're still not good enough to be hanging out with anyone popular. Including me."

I roll my eyes. Layla puts her hand on my arm. "Don't let it get to you, girl. You're a Queen B, for goodness sakes! You're better than them on so many levels!"

I smile. "Thanks."


"Blair! Over here!"

When we get out of the car, I look around for the Queen Bs. I hear Britney call out my name. She's standing with Becky and a miserable-looking Bianca underneath a weeping willow tree.

"Hey, guys." Britney gives me a side hug. "What's going on?"

Bianca groans and buries her face in her hands. I bite my lower lip.

Becky rolls her eyes. "She's being a baby. She was dumped by Rosario Hernandez."

I cock an eyebrow. "Your cousin?"

She nods, scowling at her phone screen. "Ugh, you wanna say that to me, you little punk? You'll see! I'll freaking ruin you!"

"Who're you texting?" I ask.

"Some jerk. He's DMing me on Insta. He thinks it's his place to tell me who to date! I'm perfectly happy with Jason, for your information."

"Ugh, who is it, Becky?" Britney says with a scowl.

"Christian Carter."

Britney's jaw drops. "No way! That little..."

She stomps off, muttering curse words to herself.

I'm suddenly uncomfortable. All three girls seem to be in terrible moods. "What's her problem?" I say, flipping my hair and adopting a Regina George attitude.

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