•Gregorio Marchesi•

21 1 0

There was a stunning bedroom for for a princess laid out in front of me.

My jaw fell onto the floor.

Taking a tentative step into the room, I took in the rest of my surroundings.

"Is your bedroom a mall?!" I gasp as I look around. Right in front of me is a window that makes up an entire wall of Becky's bedroom. The heavy velvet curtains were a beautiful golden color.

Looking to my left, I see a ginormous bed on top of a circular marble platform. The bed was circular as well, and about the size of twelve king size beds laid out in a square. That bed could easily sleep about 50 people at once. There was a beautiful, maroon, velvet canopy with gold fringe accents draped over the bed frame to add an extra touch of elegance.

The room dipped down a bit in the center. I walked down three steps into a living room-type area. There was a couch, a fuzzy seat, a gold coffee table with a glass top, and a few plush chairs.

I turned around to gaze up at the left wall of Becky's room. It literally looked like it was taken from a mall. It was two stories.

The bottom left level seemed to be her bathroom. I could make out bright white lighting, gold and pink decor, and a glistening mirror with a gold frame. It was designed in such a way that you can't see inside it until you walk in, with a curved white marble wall hiding the rest of the bathroom from sight.

Right on top of the bathroom seemed to be a home theater area. I could make out white leather movie seats, an actual movie screen with a projector, a popcorn maker and an area with boxes of candy and a soda machine, and an in-wall shelf, lit up by tiny neon lights, filled with DVD cases. There was also a velvet curtain to block out light from when you are inside the theater. It was light pink on the outside to match the aesthetic of the room, and black on the inside to block out light.

The bottom right level was completely out in the open. It was obviously Becky's extensive closet. The walls were covered in clothing racks, everything arranged by color. I could see that the back wall was covered with shoes.

And right on top of the closet was what looked like an area that had a hot tub in it. A hot tub. There was a flatscreen TV on the back wall, a towel warmer, and what looked like a smoothie machine and a frozen yoghurt bar. The walls were white marble streaked with gold, and the tub was bright white with golden accents.

In between this whole mall setting was a gleaming white elevator to access the top levels.

I stood there with my jaw on the ground. I was completely flabbergasted, at a loss for words.

"You okay, hun?" Bianca sneered from behind me. I heard Becky's sarcastic huff.

I bit my tongue and turned on my heel. "I'm more than okay! This room is amazing!"

Becky giggled. "Glad you like it. I might be getting it redone soon, though."

I cocked an eyebrow. "Redone? When was the last time you redid it?"

Becky crossed the room and sat on her giant, cushy bed. "I don't know, maybe like a month ago?"

I froze.

How much money do these people have?!

Becky looked up from her phone. "Blair, c'mere!" She patted the area next to her. I went over and sat down.

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