•A Day In The Life•

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"So, ladies, it's Friday. What should we do?"

The Queen Bs and I were waiting for Becky's car to come pick us up. I texted my dad, saying I was hanging out with a group of friends and they'd be dropping me off at home later.

"We totally should go to the mall! There's a sale at—"

Britney's cut off by Bianca. "How about we let Blair decide what we do?"

The way she said my name... it sounded like a curse word.

"Um... I agree with Britney. Let's go to the mall."

"Yes!" Britney whisper-screams. Bianca rolls her eyes.

"The mall it is!" Becky looks me up and down. "Yeah. You need new clothes. My treat. We'll get smoothies, too."

I'm taken aback. She's being too generous!

"Wow. Thank you, Becky!" I say.

She smiles in response.


Our mode of transportation is Becky's personal limousine!

"Woah," I breath when I step inside. It's very sophisticated in here. Sleek and black. There's a TV, a small couch area, regular seats, a chandelier, a mini fridge, and a champagne bucket. But instead of champagne, there's fancy bottles of sparkling juice.

"It's like she's never been in a limo before!" I hear Bianca hiss to nobody in particular. I pretend I didn't hear that as I take a seat on the couch. There's an identical couch opposite to it. They have seat belts.

"Don't be so salty, Bianca. She's new here," Becky scolds her. Bianca huffs, takes the seat opposite to me, shoots me a dirty look, and whips out her phone. Britney sits down next to her.

Which leaves the seat next to me for Becky. She takes it without hesitation.

"So, Blair, I want to get to know you better! I've never seen you in the halls before... are you new to West Heights Academy?" Becky says.

"No, actually. I've been at WHA since first grade."

"Wha?" Britney asks.

"Um, yeah. W.H.A. West Heights Academy. I just say WHA." I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Funny..." Bianca mutters. She puts her phone away and looks at me.

"Okay. What do your parents do for a living? If it's not too... personal."

There it is. Becky's asking the money question.

"My dad's a lawyer and my mom's a nurse."

"Ah!" Britney exclaims. We all look at her, and she pretends to yawn. "Sorry! I'm reallllllly tired."

My answer has seemed to satisfy all three Queen Bs. I'm not loaded, but I have more money than I need. Rich enough to be in their squad.

Becky, Britney, and Bianca take turns asking me questions about my life. Birthday? March 3rd. Zodiac sign? Pisces. Favorite color? Don't have one. Etc, etc.

The questions stop when we get to the mall. Becky rushes us out and tells the limo driver that we'll take a while. We rush into the mall and make a beeline for the Smooth Groove, the smoothie stand.

"Welcome to the Smooth Groove! Can I take your orders?" The waitress asks.

Becky flips her curls over her shoulder. "We'll take four green smoothies."

She swipes her credit card and we take seats near the smoothie stand.

I bite the inside of my cheek again. I want to ask why she didn't let me order for myself. I've never tried a green smoothie before. Maybe it's part of being a Queen B. Becky decides everything.

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