Drug Dealer... ish - Part 2

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For some dumb reason, I have decided to make a part 2 to this. Well it doesn't really fit well with the 1st part, but since I'm smart like that(notice my sarcasm), I'm making a part 2 anyway.


Oh, and the "he" in this chapter isn't any of the "he"'s that were in the first part. I'm just too lazy to come up with any names so they're all "he" to me. Or "she." But that's one letter longer, so I'll pass... YAY LAZINESS!!!!!!

I leaned slyly against the locker door, waiting for him to close it. He finally did, slamming it shut. I knew the exact moment he saw me. He turned to look at me and said, "Yes?"

"You want math?"

His eyes widened. "Say that louder, why don't you!"

I raised my brows. "So, you want it or not?"

He grunted. "How much do you want in return?"

Casting a wary glance over my shoulder, I muttered out of the corner of my mouth, "Depends how much you're buying."

"One gram." 



~ ~ ~

We'd agreed to meet under a tree at a park.

"You have it?" He didn't dare say what "it" was.

I nodded. "You brought the money?"

Leaning in closer to me so others couldn't see the exchange, he jammed a wad of cash in my pocket. In return, I slapped a small bag into his hand. The small bag had exactly one gram of math homework. Let me tell you, that'd been quite difficult to do.

Checking to see if it was legit, he opened the bag. Then he swore aloud. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!"

"Huh?" I remained clueless.

Shaking his head and cussing, he stepped forward and grabbed me, slamming me into a tree. "Where the fuck is it!"

"I asked you if you wanted math... you asked for one gram... that's what I gave you..." I trailed off.

"Exactly! I asked for a gram of meth!"

"Math, right?"

"No, meth!" His knuckles turned white from the tight grip he had on me.

"Oh. Close enough." Then I freed myself from his hold and hightailed my way out of there.

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