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It was like Simon's life was ripped away. Like there was a hole in his heart and it had filled with his tears and drowned him. The pain he was experiencing was the worst pain he had ever experienced. Simon begged to Raphael but his face was hard and cold like stone.  "Go and don't ever come back Simon."     

It was like a slap in the face. He loved Raphael. But he had never told him. He knew nothing was ever going to fix what he had done. What he had traded for his Shadowhunter friends. His family, his clan, stared at him coldly. There was hurt in their eyes but he knew no one would stand up for him now. "You know where the door is" Raphael said and pointed. Simon began his trek out the door. He looked back one more time attempting to see if it would change their minds but they all just stared. He slumped out onto the sidewalk and closed the door. He walked and walked until sunrise when he zipped over to Magnus's apartment. Magnus opened the door groggily and stared at Simon annoyed. "What do you think you're doing over here at six thirty in the morning Shelby?" 

"Raphael and the Clan kicked me out. I have nowhere to go," Simon stated simply, "Can I stay over at your apartment for now?" That was when Simon broke down crying. Well. More like wailing which was worse. Magnus rushed forward and brought Simon into his apartment hugging him like he was his own child. 

"Why in the fuck are you up this early Magnu-" He then noticed Simon bawling and breaking down on Magnus. " Simon what's wrong?! " But Simon couldn't answer. He just cried and cried. He didn't know how long he stood there crying but by the time it had stopped his eyes were rimmed with red and he felt weak and empty inside. "Come on my little Cabbage. Let's go find you a room to stay in." Simon weakly followed Magnus into a room filled with lavish carpets and a Queen sized bed covered with satin and silk sheets. Two purple and gold chairs sat in opposite corners of the room with a small bookshelf by both of them. Under different circumstances he would have thought it was beautiful. But this was not one of those circumstances. And Simon just felt like going to sleep and never waking up. He flopped down on the bed and curled into a ball. He fell asleep to the feel of Alec and Magnus rubbing his back.

                                                                                3 Days Later 

Simon woke up to the sound of hushed voices. Through his vampire hearing he heard on the other side of the door, " What are we going to do Alexander? His Clan rejected him! He needs other Vampires to take care of him and look after him!"  He then surprisingly heard Alec's voice too, "He's refused to eat anything ever since he came here. He barely wakes up and when he does he just stares out at the rain like he's Shakespeare!" Simon furrowed his brow. Did he really do all this? " I got in touch with Raphael but he won't let him back. There is nothing we can do with Simon's old Clan." 

There it was again. The crushing heartbreak and reality of the situation. He stumbled out of bed and opened the door seeing Alec and Magnus whispering in hushed tones together. They saw him come out of his room, shock flitting across both their faces. "Simon?", Alec asked cautiously, "Are you alright?" 

Simon thought about that. "No" He answered simply. He walked over and sat quietly in one of the many armchairs that surrounded the apartment. He glared out the window. Even the rain had other friends it could be with. And rain was supposed to be depressing enough as it is. "Okay that's it!", he heard Magnus shout," You need to let us help you or let us find you a new Clan that can take care of you!" Simon's head whipped around at that. No one could compare with his old Clan. Nothing and no one. Simon hissed and snarled. That was the first real emotion they'd seen on Simon besides grief and loneliness. "I need you to trust me on this Simon." Magnus said softly. Simon's fangs slowly retracted. He looked up at Magnus quietly, awaiting what he had to say. " I think I know a place where you can go to...make a fresh start," Magnus replied, " It's a Clan in LA. They're really nice people and they would love it if you joined them, I'm sure they wouldn't mind." Simon thought about that. A fresh start. "Their leader Lucas is a very nice man-" 

"Yes" Simon immediately answered. He needed to get away from his past. And a fresh start sounded just fine to him. " I need to get away from my past Magnus, and if you think that this will help me then well...I guess I'll do it." Magnus looked at Simon in shock. He was surprised that he would give it up this easily after all this time. 

"Alrighty then Simon. We leave bright and early tomorrow morni- er night I suppose for you." Simon nodded and headed back to his room shutting the door quietly. He lay on his temporary bed and stared at the ceiling. Tonight would be a long night. 

Go and Never Come Backحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن