New Beginnings

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Raphael was struggling to actually say the words out loud. It was just three easy words, no big deal. But anyone who had been at least over nine knew that these three words had meaning. They couldn't just be tossed around like an old ball that no one cared about. Telling Simon how he felt was the hardest thing he might possibly ever do. He stared at Simon and quickly said "Simon I think I love you." He saw Simon look at him in surprise. He instantly regretted his words. "Listen Simon I've been meaning to tell you this. But when the whole thing happened...... you know. And then we met up again and you..sorta...kissed me. I mean I enjoyed it I just don't understand. Why would you like me?"

He saw Simon laughing like crazy. "What?" Simon just laughed harder. "Raphael how have you not noticed me staring at you when you weren't looking or me being super shy and nervous around you? I thought it was pretty obvious and since you didn't bring it up neither did I. Besides I like the way you say sarcastic comments that somehow are offensive but you never use them against me. I like how you show me around at Vampire meetings and parties so I'm not completely in the dark. I like how you had given me attention when I very first became a Vampire when no one else did. " Raphael suddenly thought of all the times he'd been around Simon. When he would compliment Simon on his training if he did something well, he would always look down at the ground shyly or grin at him super wide. Simon would always smile at Raphael when he said something even remotely nice to him. "Huh I guess you do like me hm." 

"No I love you Raphael. Do me?" Raphael had no idea it would go this well. He thought there would be at least a little awkwardness but there wasn't. He suddenly had an idea. He leaned in and kissed Simon deeply feeling Simon's arms wrap around him. " Does that answer your question?" 

He heard Simon chuckle, "Yes, yes it does."

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