Adjustment Period

418 14 0

Simon's betrayal was like a stake in the heart. And not just for him. For the whole Clan. Everyone had been walking around the hotel like zombies. They missed him. They missed their fledgling.

 It hurt. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt.

 But everyone knew that there was nothing that Simon could do that would fix the harm that he had done to the Clan. His Clan. His family. But now he was gone. And it left a gaping hole in everyone's chest. Raphael as a leader had to stay strong to encourage the others to do the same. But not this time. This time he felt weak and numb all over. He had meant to tell him. Tell him how he felt. But now he would never get the chance. He looked out at the rain through the Hotel's windows. He wondered what Simon was doing. Where he was. What he was feeling. 

He didn't notice it until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Lily stood behind him with a sad look on her face. She knelt down and brushed away tears that had been falling from his face. She held him close as he cried quietly into her shoulder. They cried together and were silent. The whole Hotel was silent. Usually Simon was the one to fill the Hotel with ridiculous sounds of his video games or describing his comic books and movies. But now he was gone.

And the only thing left, was silence. 

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