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Raphael was putting on his best suit for the council meeting of the downworlders when he felt it. A pull, almost as if it were attached to his soul. Then a snap. And there was this feeling of emptiness inside of him. Almost like when Simon left. But much. Much. Worse. Like a piece of him had departed. He heard the whole Clan wailing as well. They all could feel it. Raphael gasped and dragged himself over to his phone. He dialed Magnus's number and waited. It felt like centuries passed before he picked up. 

"Raphael?" he heard Magnus's warbled voice on the other end. "Magnus," he gasped," Where is Simon." There was silence on the other end of the line. "Raphael listen-" but Raphael cut him off. "He isn't dead is he," Raphael whispered afraid of the answer, "Please tell me he isn't dead." The emptiness was still there and he was just about to give up when he heard a quiet answer on the other line. " No Raphael. He isn't dead. But he definitely isn't here either. " Raphael thought about that. What did that mean? Simon wasn't dead but he wasn't here? " What are you talking about Magnus," Raphael growled.

 "He's moved on. I helped him move on. Raphael after you and the Clan kicked him out he was broken. You should have seen him..." Magnus's voice trailed off,  " I sent him to a new Clan that can, and will take care of him. Now he can start fresh without this burden on his shoulders." 

That was when Raphael realized that was what he had felt. Simon's soul officially leaving the Clan behind. He had departed. Not in a deathly way, but it felt like it. Suddenly Raphael exploded with rage, " Magnus what  have you done!" he screamed on the other side of the phone line, " He is in our Clan! You can't just...just..give him to some other Clan and call him their's!" There was a huff of breath on the other line and silence. Then he heard Magnus's voice filled with the same emotion as Raphael's currently was. " No Raphael! You do not get to choose where Simon goes or who he lives with! You and your Clan cast him out with nowhere to go! You should be lucky Simon is even alive right now Raphael. You don't deserve, for the time being, to see him or speak to him." Raphael was in shock. Magnus had never sounded so angry in his life. And he actually called Simon by his real name. " Now I'm going to go let Simon live out the rest of his life in peace. I will not tell you where he is or what he is doing because you have made it very obvious to him that you don't care." Raphael remembered what he had said to Simon wincing. "Goodbye Raphael." Magnus hung up and Raphael simply stared down at his phone. He needed Simon back. He wanted Simon back. The whole Clan did. 

The Clan didn't need to be called into the meeting room to know they had one. With their vampire hearing they had heard the whole conversation. Raphael sped into the room seeing his fellow Clan members gathered there as well. After years of silence a vampire named Kathy spoke up. "We need Simon back." She stated simply. And then all hell broke loose. Vampires started crying. Some were trying to hold a grudge but failing. Others still hadn't accepted the fact that Simon was gone. That he had left. Vampire's were rushing around the room yelling and trying to come up with a apology that would be good enough to bring Simon back. "ENOUGH ," Raphael yelled. His booming voice sent quivers throughout the crowd and they all stopped and stared at him. "Yes we need to get Simon back. But scrambling around and making fools of ourselves is not the way to do it. Let's first focus on finding Simon. Search anywhere and everywhere. Got it? The Clan nodded at once. One moment they were there, and the next they were gone. Now all Raphael had to do was wait.

Where are you Simon?

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