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Simon was surprised. He hadn't expected for his Clan to take the news of him leaving so well. Of course they were sad, but they didn't look as heartbroken as he feared they would. It almost actually offended him. But he supposed he never really spent time with them that much anyway. The LA Clan had their own private jet so they offered to fly Simon out to New York City so that he could go back and try and make amends with his old Clan. To say Simon was nervous was an understatement. He was terrified. He was thinking of ways to apologize and praying to every God and belief he knew of that his Clan would accept him back with open arms. But Simon knew he shouldn't get his hopes up. 

Simon and Lucas dragged his suitcases out of the mansion heading towards the jet. They stopped in front of the door. Lucas let go of Simon's luggage and hugged him. "You'll be okay Simon." 

Simon sighed. " I hope so." That was when he heard it. Soft Spanish cursing and the sound of fast running feet. He turned around in confusion. His eyes widened as he saw what lay before him. His whole Clan had stopped in front of the jet with Raphael in front of it. They're eyes looked red from crying and exhaustion was evident on their faces. Raphael rushed up to greet Simon and pulled him in for a fierce hug. 

"Simon mi corazon," he felt shock as Raphael hugged him. That was one of the few things he understood in Spanish and it filled his chest with hope. "I missed you," he pulled back, " We missed you." His old Clan was staring at him pleadingly begging him to listen. "Please Simon, come home." Simon froze. Raphael AND his Clan was asking him to come home. To stay with them. Simon felt himself tear up at those words and he nodded his head fast.

"I want to, yes please!" Simon sobbed. He couldn't have imagined a better way to reunite himself with his old Clan. In fact he shouldn't even be calling it his old Clan. This was his Clan. And he would never leave it again. He crashed his lips against Raphael's and kissed him hard. He heard cheering behind and infront of him but he didn't care. Apparently neither did Raphael by the looks of it as he pulled back and saw a dazed expression on his face. "Did that answer your question?" Raphael nodded. 

"Let's go Simon." Raphael picked up Simon's last suitcase and turned around one last time. Raphael hissed very violently. Simon looked at them apologetically. They just grinned and waved goodbye. 

They raced back over across the country catching up with what Simon had done while he was away. Simon explained how ridiculously loud LA was and how he had never fully appreciated the quietness of the Hotel. After Simon and the rest of the Clan had returned back to the Hotel they threw a huge welcome home party. There was a bar and every vampire in the state came including his Shadow hunter friends who Simon appreciated for coming but mostly stayed with his Clan. People were apologizing and crying in tears of happiness. After everyone had calmed down and the party had started to die down Raphael pulled Simon aside. 

"Simon I need to talk to you." 

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