Twenty First Chapter: "Just An Outcast"

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Well isn't this a drama packed chapter! xD Hope you enjoy and thank SimonaTchitakova, because they made me post! 

Dedicated to
SimonaTchitakova :D Hope you're all okay!

Twenty First Chapter
"Just An Outcast"

From Left Off Moment
Sara's POV

I ran back into the school, ready to talk to Seth when I see Emily glaring at me. 

"Tell them now." She stated furiously, and I stared at her dumbly. "W-What?"

"I want you to crush them now, Sara. Did I not just tell you that?" She snorted. "Go, crush them."

I swallowed, closing my eyes tightly before opening them and saying something I had never said to Emily before.


She stared at me for a moment, completely shocked as though she didn't want to believe what she had just heard.

I was, after all, her best friend because I never had a back bone... but... being with the 'losers' had given me something I never truely had before.


"Excuse me?" She managed, shaking with raw fury.

"You heard me. I won't do it..." I took a deep breath. "Emily, for once in my life, I've realized what real friendship is..." I trailed off and then grimaced. "I won't... can't... do it." 

She glared at me viciously. "You do realize what you're doing right!? This is your death, Sara." She snapped and I froze.

"Oh, you didn't think I knew about your family beating you?!" She snorted loudly, an insane look in her eye as she glared at me. "Oh, I knew, I knew that I hold your life in my hands, Sara, now if you go in there and crush them, I'll forget this ever happened."

Emily was insane, I realized. She had been driven insane with power.

I took a deep breath, realizing exactly what I was doing.

"No." I whispered softly, but it sounded like a tornado wrecking a house apart in the deserted hallway. 

Her eyes narrowed, before she grinned evilily. "Don't say I didn't warn you," She hummed before dashing into the cafeteria.

"Wait! Emily, Wait!" I shrieked, realizing what she was going to do as she dashed for the popular table and stood ontop of it.

Everyone's attention turned to us, and my stomach dropped.

"Attention, Losers, Freaks, Popular's, and Geeks!" Her voice rang loudly, and soon every eye landed on me and Emily.

"Emily..." I began in a warning tone, almost resorting to begging, and I knew the group was looking at me. Their gaze weighed my shoulders down.

"Shut up!" She barked, and I automatically did.

She snorted. "You should have obeyed before, Stone." She grinned as she turned her attention on the group I was supposed to trick, her eyes glinting with glee.

"Oh, Emo's!" She called happily, and Seth glared at her.

"What do you want, Emily?" He all but snarled, and Emily smirked. 

"Oh, I think you'd just be a little interested in a small fact about one of your members."

I felt everyone turn to stare at me, geeks, jocks, emo's, goths, and outcasts, all regarding me in silence.

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