i'll be home for christmas

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Middle School

"Can we hang out during the winter break?" Harry asked Zayn who nodded, and toyed with the sleeve of his puffy green jacket.

"Yeah," Zayn smiled nervously. "Liam, Niall and Louis are coming over on December 23rd, maybe you can come too?"

Harry bit his lip, as if he was thinking. "Yeah.." He trailed off. "But why can't I spend time with you? Like.. Just us?"

This made Zayn's stomach swirl. "Just us?"

Harry frowned. "We'll play Wii or something.. Like we always do? It's just more fun without Liam Louis and Niall because they're annoying,"

"Liam and Louis are gay or something," Zayn spoke.

Harry chuckled. "Clearly! They've been doing things together since last month!"

"Doing things?" Zayn cringed. "They're thirteen,"

"So are we," Harry shrugged.

"Yeah but still! Thirteen! Are they.. You know.."

Harry shook his head and laughed out loud. "No, no! I mean, I think Louis gave him a hand job but.."

Zayn gagged. "You're kidding me,"

"I am kidding you. All they're doing is kissing. But I do think Louis put his hands in Liam's pants once.."

Cringing again, Zayn looked away from Harry and started his walk back to his house when Harry stopped him, with a soft handle on his shoulder.

Zayn let out a soft oh as he turned around by Harry's touch.

"You weren't going to say goodbye to me?" Zayn didn't like how nervous he got around Harry, hence the fact that he was going to walk home without saying goodbye.

Because Harry would email him after school right?

"Sorry," Zayn spoke, trying to stop his hand from shaking.

"It's okay," Harry smiled at Zayn. "You've got snow in your hair," Slowly, he reached over and brushed the snow off of Zayn's head.

"Thanks," Zayn blushed a little, looking down to hide it. "I'll email you?"

Nodding, Harry smiled. "Definitely.. We can make plans to hang out.. You know?"

"Yeah," Zayn bit his lip.

"Yeah," Harry repeated.

"Yeah," Zayn cracked a smile. "I'll see you soon Harry?"

"You'll see me soon Zayn," Harry smiled and gave Zayn a wave.

With that, Zayn couldn't help but think how much of a great friend Harry was.

There was just one thing that got to Zayn.

He wanted more.

But he didn't quite know what he wanted.

i'll be home for christmas  ➳ zarryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang