if only in my dreams

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Present day

Lars jumped into Zayn's arms, smiling.

"Hey love," Zayn grinned, accepting Lars into his arms and stared back at Harry whose jaw dropped.

The last time Lars hugged Zayn like this was when he was ten.

"I missed you Dad," Lars whispered into Zayn's shoulder.

"I missed you too Lars," Zayn smiled, as Lars let go of him.

"Christmas Eve dinner will be had on Christmas then," Harry said. "We rescheduled it, it's happening it six..."

Zayn ignored, and lifted Harry up as he hugged him, Lars laughing as Harry screamed to be put down.

Once Zayn had placed Harry down gently, he pressed a kiss against his husbands lips, gaining a disgusted response from their son.

"Get a room," Lars mumbled as the two parted.

"We will," Zayn confirmed jokingly, Lars gagging.

It was about eleven o'clock once Zayn had settled back into his home.

Lars was in the shower as Harry fixed Zayn a plate to eat.

"Here love," Harry gave Zayn a plate of what was supposed to be their dinner tonight.

"You're not gonna serve them this tomorrow?" Zayn frowned, digging in either way.

"No!" Harry sat down at the kitchen table beside his husband. "We can't serve leftovers. Plus, Mum and Dad came over and took just about everything. We have to cook tomorrow either way,"

"I'll help tomorrow," Zayn spoke. "Just wake me up,"

"Will do love," Harry chuckled, pressing a kiss against Zayn's cheek.

Getting up, Harry finished off cleaning the kitchen and when Zayn finished he placed his things in the dishwasher.

"Can I show you something babe?" Zayn asked, bringing Harry into the living room who nodded.

Harry sat down, and waited for Zayn as he left to fetch his work bag. Once he was back, he sat down beside Harry and pulled out an old copy of To Kill a Mockingbird.

It had the pink cover with the square photo of the tree and a broken watch inside of it.

"Oh my," Harry took the book out of Zayn's hands and ran his thumb across the cover. "You got it!"

"I know," Zayn nodded. "Lars' book was already worn, and I'm scared that if he reads it one more time, the entire thing will fall apart. And that's probably the only piece of his mother his has left.."

Harry smiled, holding back his tears. "Oh Zayn.. I can't believe you found this,"

"Now he's got a copy from me and you love,"

Harry opened the cover and read the little note Zayn had written on behalf of the two of them.

Harry could've melted. 

"Zayn, you didn't.." He trailed off as Zayn pulled him in for a hug.

Just as the two let go, Lars came down the stairs, his hair dripping wet on his pyjama shirt.

"What's that Dad?" Lars asked, clearly motioning towards the book in Harry's hand.

"Spoiled," Harry laughed, handing Zayn the book and scooting over on the couch making room for Lars in between the two.

"Your Christmas gift of course," Zayn spoke, patting the spot between Harry and him.

Lars came down the stairs and as soon as he saw it, Harry swore he saw tears in his eyes.

"Dad!" Lars couldn't speak as he hugged Zayn tight. 

"Your Dad and I thought you'd like it," Zayn said, handing it to Lars after he gave Harry a hug.

Lars handled the book with care and flipped the book around. He treated the book like he would treat a newborn puppy.

"Thank you so much Dads," Lars spoke, and this time tears escaped.

Shyly, Lars wiped the tears with the collar of his shirt. "I love you," He whispered.

Zayn and Harry took it to heart. 

"We love you more than everything," Harry spoke. "Absolutely everything,"

Normally, Lars would roll his eyes at this statement as Harry said it practically everyday.

Today, Lars didn't even have strength to roll his eyes.

"Open the cover," Zayn said. "It gets better,"

Smiling giddily, Lars gently opened the cover.

Thank you for being our very own Jeremy Finch.

Love always,


The End

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