What Even

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It's another day in the old science lab, another day where Emil bares his wounds and vulnerabilities to her. It's no different than usual, for now. He's rolled up his sleeves already, and Lili's pottering around, digging out the disinfectant from the depths of her seemingly endless bag. It's okay like this, he thinks – maybe it's okay to wait on telling anyone for a little while longer, okay to bask in the security he finds in Lili for the time being – surely that can be allowed?

The door opens and Emil turns, surprised, quickly tugging at his sleeves to cover the wounds.

To his surprise, it's Leon who's standing in the doorway-

His expression tells Emil that his sleeves didn't cover his arm fast enough:

"Em what are you- What are you doing?"

"I- Nothing, I just-" He freezes, classic 'deer in the headlights',

"What do you mean 'nothing'? This isn't nothing! What even-"

"That's enough now, Leon," Lili interjects – for a moment, Emil had forgotten she was even there, and a wave of relief floods through him

"You knew?!"

"Yes, I did," she shoots back, voice still collected and calm, "That's why I'm here, treating his cuts. What else was I supposed to do?"

"Oh I don't know, maybe tell someone who actually knows what they're doing?" He glares at her accusingly, "We're kids Lili, not medical professionals!"

"I never claimed to be one; I'm not saying that this is ideal Leon, but as of now, he-" she gestures to Emil, "Has said he's not comfortable telling anyone about it. If he changes his mind, then of course I'll support it - but as of now I will make the best of how much he has already opened up to me; I refuse to betray his trust by disrespecting his wishes."

His anger is subdued - certainly not quelled, and Emil can tell he isn't satisfied with her response - but he's calmer, and the iron grip on his arm loosens, dropping so Leon's hand is curled around Emil's wrist, half over his hand. Lili eyes their linked hands curiously, and half a smile plays across her lips as she finishes unpacking her makeshift medical kit.

"Now that that's dealt with, can I finally check up on your cuts, Emil? My lesson starts soon, you know."

"Oh-" He's brought back to reality again, and he's about to roll up his other sleeve when he realizes that Leon is still holding on to him, and it takes a few moments of awkward fumbling and eye contact for Emil to realize that he had no intention of letting go.

"Show me how," Leon asks Lili pointedly, his hand squeezing Emil's lightly, "Show me how to treat it. Now that I know about it I might as well know how to do that to - you can't always be there, after all."

She smiles warmly,

"I'd be glad to, though only if Emil's okay with it," she gives him a reassuring look, encouraging him silently.

"I- I'm not sure..I don't want to cause more trouble - you..you shouldn't need to put in that sort of effort for me," He trails off quietly, keenly aware of them both looking at him, "I don't know-"

"Well how about you see it this way, if this so called 'work load' is spread across two people then it'll be less trouble for everyone involved, don't you think?"

"I guess.."

"Then it's decided!" She claps her hands together and beckons them over to the table, "I'll show you how to do some basic things and you can keep some of the supplies, okay? I only have one disinfect bottle for now, but I can buy another,"

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