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Okay so update is finally up! Thankyou to everyone who made sure to read and spread the word to pass the 120+ read mark for an update [do you know how hard it is to wait??] I was actually really surprised this time though, because we beat it in less than 15 hours so WOOHOO!

I'm sorry if this chaper's boring, but I hope you like it :D

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- DREAM -            

“I wish we could just stay here. Live in this moment forever.” She whispered against my chest as we slow danced to ‘She Will Be Loved’ [by Maroon 5 - My ultimate ‘sad-time’ song].

“What? You mean stuck dancing in this stiff tux?... As long as I can see you in that dress for the rest of my life…” I joked back, making her giggle into my torso, automatically giving me butterflies all throughout myself.

“I love you… and only you. Forever, even until we’re both long gone. I’ll always love you.” I told her in all seriousness while looking down at her beautiful face, the soft light bouncing off her cheeks so delicately, yet lighting up every detail.

“I love you too Matt. Forever and always, just you and me - no one else.” She replied with a warm smile.

“You’re the only one for me.” She added, as her cheeks slowly began to fall a light pink.

“You’re the only one I can ever love.” I assured her.

“The only one.” She repeated happily before going on tippy toes to kiss me on the cheek.


The sunlight seeped into my eyes, making me groan in displeasure. For the first time in a long time, I finally had a good dream. One where Victoria was happy and cheerful… and well, alive.

I slowly sat up off of what I thought was the comfort of my pillow, but I was completely wrong – it was Ana. She lay there sleeping soundly, breathing softly out of her mouth, making little wisps of her hair fly up and down with each exhale.

I rubbed my eyes to rid it off sleep and yawned. It was only then did my brain scream out to me.

You’re in the same bed as Ana!’

 ‘Why wa-’ I thought to myself, when I finally realised what had happened the night before, making me jump and hit the back of my head on the wooden headboard.

Oh. My. Fuck.

How stupid was I last night to ask her to stay with me - I must’ve been pretty wasted. Yet I was sure I wanted it. Even now I’m not sure if I regret it.

Just as I was about to hop off the bed the door swung right open.

“Hey Ma-”


As soon as I woke up I had a massive headache. I got up and got a glass of water – I needed to clear my mind of any alcoholic substance for what seems like a million years.

After I took a couple of sips, I heard a loud thump.

 I placed the glass on the marble counter and made my way over to where the sound came from…. Matt and Ana’s room?

One of them must be awake! Thank God – I don’t think it would’ve been too much fun spending a whole Saturday morning by myself while everyone else lazed around in their rooms of tiredness and hangovers.

“Hey M-” I was about to say as I saw him awake sitting on his bed, but as I examined the scene, I saw he wasn’t the only one in the bed.

“Cam! Uh… morning!” He quickly greeted, jumping off the bed and running towards the bathroom.

“Why is Analise in y-” I questioned. Did something happen between them? Did Matt force her into something? I mean he was pretty drunk, but he wouldn’t do something like that, would he?

WAIT… Do they have feelings for each other? I nearly screamed at the thought.

“She uh… She asked if she could sleep next to me. She got pretty lonely in her own bed last night and was having trouble sleeping.” He replied with a smirk clear on his face, which made me doubt if he was even telling the truth.

“Oh really?” I replied, trying to come across as if I didn’t buy into it. Truth was, I felt like my heart had sunk down to my feet.

“Really.” He confirmed, flashing a toothy grin before walking up to where I stood and slowly closing the door in front of me while I stood there dumbstruck.


“Really.” I lied and shut the door in his face.

Why did I lie? I’m not sure. But something inside me burned – it made me so mad towards Cameron lately. Him and his little private giggly sessions with Ana and little strolls and especially the time they were in the park. All of those memories seemed to build up in me, burning something similar to jealousy.

But how can I be jealous over someone I don’t even want?

I sat down on the bed, suddenly feeling a wave of mixed emotions rush through me. What have I done?


I woke up and slowly rose from the bed, stretching out my arms as my muscles popped.

I reminisced of last night. Something about the thought was comforting – I don’t know why, but I felt secure next to Matthew, I felt needed. Well of course; he was tipsy and couldn’t think straight. Of course he needed aid.

But I guess I just didn’t want to be needed in that way.

I made my way out of the room after slipping on some jeans and a baseball tee; I seriously wasn’t bothered.

“Morning…” I muttered tiredly.

“Morning.” Everyone chimed in monotonal unison.

I scanned the room and saw Cameron slowly chewing on a piece of toast. I decided to sit next to him since both my brothers were clearly not up – they were both sprawled out on the couches along with Taylor and Jack G.

“Hey!” I greeted happily and grabbed an apple.

“I- I gotta go.” He announced quietly, his voice cracking midsentence.

“What was that about?” I asked, worried that I had done something wrong.

“I wouldn’t worry about it if I were you.” Matt piped in, while he just kept a steady smile.

“It’s nothing at all.”

. . .

Zayum I'm feeling some jealousy in the air :O I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 150+ reads until next update so make sure to like, vote, comment below and PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!

Also, if you help me to promote by telling other people, telling other author's to mention it, or through your status, I will give you a shoutout. Just message me if you have :)

I love you guys that even bother reading my author's notes ahaha

xx m-s-l

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