forty four.

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Ok so I might do a character AND author ask bc everyone else is doing it and I feel like I'm just that dork that isn't going with the mainstream shit. Comment if you want one!

Song of the chapter:

'Beside You' - 5SOS

. . . 


I felt the light seep through my eyelids, fluttering them open as I groaned, wiping the sweat off of my heated forehead with the back of my hand as I propped myself up onto my elbows, taking in my surroundings. Scanning the room, I tried to steady my visionas the room was now spinning.

I reached out, grabbing the side table tightly as I felt my palms sweating as I hefted myself up, now leaning aginst the wall. This wasn’t right.

I could feel my head spinning.

I could feel my whole body gradually shaking.

I could feel my chest tightening; my breath staggered and restricted.

“Nash!” I called out, stopping mid-sentence with a gasp as I felt the pain rush in from my swollen and tender throat. “Na-” I tried calling out yet again, but the scratchy sound of my hoarse voice was nearly unrecognisable.

Raking a hand through my messy hair, I felt the strands in between my fingers soaked with sweat as I pressed myself harder against the cold wall, slowly sinking down as I pounded the wall with my palms repeatedly.

“Nash! Matt! M-” I whispered, feeling incappable. I felt as if my heart was pounding in my head – I saw double as my vision grew worse; the sickening feeling in the pit of my stomach rising to my throat taking almost all my focus to hold it down as I realised they were all out.

Clutching my head with both hands, I hit my back against the wall with a thud while tears of frustration brimmed as I fumbled weakly through the pocket of my sweatshirt for my phone.

Scrolling through my contacts, I hit the most recent call; I didn’t care who it was – all I knew was that I needed help, and fast. Sitting the cold screen in between my shoulder and flushing cheek, I bit my lip intetively, my eyes shut tight as I listened to the ringing of the phone, my hopes drainging out of me that he would answer.

“Ana? H-”

“C-Cam, Cam is this you?” I whispered into the phone as I hugged my legs tightly, letting my head rest against the wall.

“Yeah. Hey are you feeling alright?” He asked, his worry clear through his voice.

“Can you m-maybe come back to the hotel… or are you busy?”

“I’m backstage now. We’re in the middle of a show.” He explained hastily, as I sat silently, feeling my temperature growing as it felt like my forehand was practically burning from just touching my face.

“Ana, are you alright? you’re scar-”

“I don’t know.” I whimpered into the phone, fear taking over me. “J-just come quick… please.”


I ran out the back entrance as fast as I could, the guilt slipping away for leaving a show just like that without warning the others – Analise was top priority right now.

The fact that she called me; she knew she could depend on me. She knew that I would be the one to make things all better.

The fact that she was still on my mind – I just wanted her to be mine. Why couldn’t she see that I’m the one for her? I can be the one to save her. I can make everything alright.

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