Chapter 5

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The next day, Kayla invited Charm over after school because she wanted to talk to her about everything that happened yesterday.

"I'm so fucking dead," Charm said, licking her watermelon flavored lollipop.

"Charm, I was embarrassed," Kayla said, becoming upset because Charm just kept laughing at her.

"You thought you was going to get some dick," Charm said, opening the front door for her boyfriend, Kirk.

"Hey, Kirk," Kayla said, sounding defeated.

"What's wrong with you?," Kirk asked, ready to laugh his ass off.

"Her Dad was being a cock blocker," Charm responded.

"We kissed," Kayla said, low because she didn't want to her Charm mouth.

"Speak up," Charm said, Cupping her ear because she wanted to make sure she heard her correctly.

"Yeah, come again," Kirk said.

"I kissed him," Kayla said, louder.

"Like this," Charm said before pecking Kirk's lips.

"Nah," Kayla responded, annoyed with the cute couple.

"Oh, like this," Kirk said before kissing his girlfriend passionately.

"Yeah, Stop now," Kayla said.

They pulled away and chuckled.

"You kissed a hoe," Kirk said.

"Sis, do you want a drink or a blunt?," Charm asked.

"That's not my cup of tea," Kayla said, shrugging.

"You don't even drink tea,"Kirk said.

Meanwhile,Rome stood outside of the house with Lucas because he wanted to talk to
Kayla about yesterday.

"Eww,you have a stalker," Charm said, peaking out the blinds.

"Who is it?," Kayla asked, already aware that he is outside because he was blowing up her phone.

"It's that pussy nigga, Rome," Kirk said before making his way downstairs and then outside.

"Ooouuuu look at my boyfriend," Charm said.
She just loves how he looks when he is upset.

"Go get him," Kayla begged, Charm.

"I'll go get that dick," Charm said, biting her bottom lip.

"Do whatever,"Kayla said.

Charm mocked Kayla on her way downstairs.

"Aye," Charm called out to Rome.

"What?," Lucas snapped.

"Step away from my dick, I mean boyfriend," she corrected herself even though they heard her.

"Sexy ass," Lucas mumbled.

Kirk ignored Charm.

All of a sudden, gunshots rang out and they ducked.

Kayla watched from her window as her friends shielded each other.

"Ma!," Kayla yelled.

Her mother ran outside.

"Okay, I need you to calm down," Kimberly said to Charm as she shook due to witnessing her boyfriend being shot multiple times.

They sat in the hospital waiting room along with Kirk's relatives.

"Family of Kirk Matthews," the nurse said.

The family and friends stood to their feet.

"We did lose him but we were able to revive him," the nurse said, causing everyone to feel relieved.

"Can we see him?," Kayla asked.

"He's resting right now but we will allow two people at a time," she said.

Kirk's parents followed the nurse to the back.

Charm stared into space, contemplating on rather she should rush to the back or sit and wait her turn.

Then, she realized something. None of this occurred until he stepped foot in this city.

"It's your fault," Charm snapped, making everyone look at her.

"Who are you talking to?," Kayla asked.

"Rome, you set him up or something!," Charm snapped, standing up.

"I didn't set that little nigga up," Rome said, irritated.

"You're just jealous because you can never be the man he is today and you can't amount to shit," Charm said.

"Because you're not shit and you never will be!," Charm yelled, pulling her hair back.

"Calm down, C," Kyla said, rubbing her friend back.

"I hate you," Charm whispered to Rome as tears slid down her cheeks.

"Nothing new," Lucas mumbled.

"Burn in hell!," Kayla snapped at Lucas.

Lucas quickly became fed up with the two and just left. Nobody stopped him because nobody seemed to give a fuck about him or his attitude.

The room became silent after that. The only thing heard was dings from phones because everyone was trying to contact someone and get updates about kirk.

The parents returned with tears sliding down their cheeks. This is obviously not a good sign therefore everyone stood up and waited for them to say something.

"He slipped into a coma," Mrs. Matthews said.

Charm broke down on the floor in Kayla's arms after that.

Rome slowly approached them but Kayla shook her head as he got closer to them.

"Just go," Kayla whispered.

"I want to-"

"Just go!," Kayla yelled, causing everyone to look at them.

Meanwhile,Kimberly walked to the back and greeted the other nurses before walking in Kirk's room.

"Such a smart kid with so much in store," she whispered.

"I think you should walk towards the light," she said, patting his leg.

Kimberly does give a fuck about this kid and his future but, she believes he should walk towards the light because of the way this world is now. The violence just increases in these streets everyday and it's mainly gun violence.

"Ma," Kirk whispered, opening his eyes.

"Nah, It's auntie," Kimberly said, smiling.

"Can I see my girlfriend now?," Kirk asked.

Kimberly nodded before leaving the room. Sighing at the thought of him telling his parents what she said to him.

Anyways, in the room, Kirk stared into space as someone walked in the room.


"Grandma?," Kirk questioned.

"Take my hand and walk with me," she said.

The heart monitor beeping extended and then Kirk died.

Charm walked in, staring at his lifeless body in shock.

"I love you," Charm said.

"I love you too," Kirk ghost said, behind Charm.

She heard him and smiled.

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