Chapter 11

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"Any news yet?," Kayla asked, handing Tasha her cup of coffee.

The waiting room is packed with family of Lucas and the party guests.

"No, they're taking forever," Tasha said.

"Family of Lucas," the nurse said.

Everyone stood up.

"He's fine," she said causing everyone to smile and cheer.

"He was shot in the leg though," Kayla said.

"He's a baller," Tyrol said.

"When is the next game?," she asked.

"Next week," Tasha said.

"He should be healed in a few weeks," she said.

"Damn,"Rome said.

"Who would like to see him?," she asked.

Tyron and Tasha stood up. "We're his family," Tasha said, looking at the guests.

"Go ahead," Kayla said.

Charm rolled her eyes at Tasha.

"We will," Tasha said before following the nurse to the back along with her son.

"Okay, she got us fucked up," Charm said as soon as they were out of view.

"Don't do nothing stupid," Zoey said to Charm.

"I'm not," Charm said, rubbing Kj little head full of hair.

"Good," She said.

Lucas dad walked in with a mug on his face.

"Who is that?," Zoey asked.

"Lucas dad," Rome said.

"He can be my daddy, hey daddy," Zoey said, waving.

Timothy did a head nod and kept it moving.

"Girl, he don't want you," Charm said, rolling her eyes.

"You don't know what he want," Zoey said.

"He's a police officer," Kayla said.

"I thought he was a security guard," Zoey mumbled.

"He protected us tonight and that's all that matters," Kayla said.

"Hell Yeah," Charm said.

Meanwhile in the back, Tyron sat beside his brother on the bed and told him about his night so far.

"You was scared, huh?," Lucas asked.

"Nah, I was just worried because you know you're my only brother and I don't want anything bad to happen to you,"Tyron said.

"I'm not going to let these motherfuckers kill me," Lucas said.

"Good," Tyron said, dapping his brother up.

"Ma, you good?," Lucas asked his mother.

"Why didn't you tell me?," she asked.

"Tell you what?," Lucas asked.

"Manwell, was filling your head with lies," she said.

"I didn't know they were lies," Lucas responded.

"So, we can't smoke weed in the house anymore?," Tyron asked his brother.

"Why you say that?," Lucas asked.

Tyron gestures towards the door.

"Our dad is a police officer," Tyron said, shaking his head at his mother.

"You shouldn't have marijuana," Timothy said, chuckling, entering the room.

"I like it," Tyron said, shrugging.

"Let's make that be one of our secrets," Timothy said, chuckling with his two sons.

"Yeah, It was a secret from me," Tasha said, crossing her legs.

"Ohh, I'm sorry," Timothy said.

"Did you catch him?," Tasha asked referring to Manwell.

"Yes and he confessed," Timothy said.

"Damn, Ma, you dated a pussy," Lucas said.

"Watch your mouth," she said, pointing her finger in his direction.

"I'm sorry but it's the truth,"Lucas said.

"Right, pops," Tyron said, making everyone in the room look at him.

"You just called me pops," Timothy said in disbelief.

"Yeah," Tyron said, holding his hand out.

Timothy snatched him up from his seat and pulled him into a hug.

"You're my son," Timothy said as tears slid down his cheeks and he glanced at Tasha.

Tasha smiled as the two hugged.

"Can I join that?," Lucas asked.

They pulled apart and then they made their way towards Lucas.
The group hug formed and it was filled with nothing but happiness.

"Damn, you're good," Charm said, interrupting the family moment.

The family pulled away, glancing at each other and then Charm.

"Yeah, I'm good," Lucas said.

"He wasn't the one that killed your boyfriend," Tyron said.

"I know but, he knew the person," Charm said.

"The person will do his time," Tyron informed her.

"He better," Charm said before walking away.

"Pregnant Girls," Tasha said, rolling her eyes.

"You were one," Timothy said to Tasha.

"I loved every bit of it," she said.

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