Chapter 6

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Bumpy Roads

Kyrin Davis sat at the kitchen table with his children

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Kyrin Davis sat at the kitchen table with his children. They just returned home from the funeral.

"Kayla," kyrin, Kayla's dad said.

"What?" Kayla asked, texting Kirk's phone over and over because she doesn't want to believe he's really dead.

"He's in a better place now," Kyrin said.

"He's in a better place now," Kyrin said

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Kayla slammed her fork on the table. "He hasn't gone anywhere!,"she yelled.

"Stop," Kapree, Kayla's older brother said as he noticed an argument about to occur.

"I barely knew him but, I know for a fact that he wouldn't want y'all to be arguing over his whereabouts," Kapree said, ignoring his phone as it rung

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"I barely knew him but, I know for a fact that he wouldn't want y'all to be arguing over his whereabouts," Kapree said, ignoring his phone as it rung.

"Let the man Rest In Peace," Kamar, Kayla other brother said.

"Fine," Kayla said.

"Read his letter out loud again," Kamar said to his dad because he knew that would make Kayla snap back into reality and just release all of that pain.

"Dear, Kayla
"I know you're tired of hearing the same shit from me but, I don't really have any new shit to say to your confusing ass. I love you little sis. You're a hardheaded little sister but, I still love you and want to see you succeed. This letter is just in case we ever reach a bumpy road !

"We reached a bumpy road," Kayla cried on her father shoulder.

"Shhhh, it's okay," Kamar said, rubbing his sister arm.

"Daddy, bring him back!," Kayla said, hitting her fathers chest repeatedly.

"There is nothing, I can do," He said, prying her hands off of him.

"You told me that you can do anything," Kayla said, reminiscing on the moment her father uttered those words.

"I can't do this,"Kamar said, leaving the kitchen table.

"Mom!," Kapree called out.

Kayla old self began to return as she watched her brothers walk away from her.

"You don't feel bad or nothing?," Jasmine asked Lucas.

"Nah, he got what was coming for him," he responded.

"Karma is a bitch," Jasmine said, smirking.

"Hey, What's going on in here?," Rome asked, walking in the room.

"Nothing, Wassup with you?," Lucas asked his friend.

"My head isn't screwed on straight," Rome said.

"He's such a baby," Jasmine mumbled.

"Can you handle Kayla?," Lucas asked Jasmine.

Rome is currently oblivious of the fact that they're plotting against his girl but we all know, what's done in the dark comes to the light therefore everything shall unravel sooner than later.

"I can do more than that," Jasmine responded, smirking.

"I'll love to what you do your thing," Lucas said.

"I'll take part in it," Rome said.

"Three hundred and fifty grand," Lucas offered.

"Deal," Rome said.

"People usually get paid more for a sex tape but I need that money," Rome said, shrugging.

"Yeah, a sex tape," Lucas said, giving Jasmine the side eye.

Rome has no idea what he just signed up for. He's up for a rude awakening.

"No turning back," Lucas said, mugging Rome.

"Yeah, don't turn into a pussy," Jasmine said.

"Take your own advice," Lucas mumbled.

Mr. And Mrs Matthews stared at their son tombstone. "This feels so unreal," Mrs. Matthews said.

"He did so much but, he had more to do," Mr. Matthews said.

"I'm proud of him," Kimberly, Kayla's mom said.

"Me too," Mrs. Matthews agreed.

"Fly High, Kirk!," Jasmine said, placing the red roses on his grave.

Mr. And Mrs. Matthews gave her the side eye as she balled her eyes out near his tombstones. Parents peak everything and now they plan on watching Jasmine like a hawk because her behavior doesn't add up.

Jasmine noticed they were looking at her weirdly but, she continued to cause a scene.

Kimberly walked away and returned to her vehicle. She quickly made her way home and put her house on lockdown.

The whole city is currently watching their children and handing out curfews to all of them due to the shooting leading to the death of a young men with a bright future ahead of him.

The lost of a young men news spread like wildfire.

Now, the young men is another hashtag and another trending topic.

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