-Call Me Bre- 3

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Chapter Three

Unfortunately for Brennly,  Chemistry was the only period she had with Kitty. She would have to spend the rest of her day feeling uncomfortable, surrounded by people she didn't know.

She lugged herself through the halls after Kitty gave her unexpected and awkward hug before rushing out the classroom to her friends. Brennly frowned searching for her Algebra class but she couldn't find it, it was like a four leaf clover. She held her ripped schedule in her shaky hands and her eyes kept scanning the top of each door.


'Where is 260?'

'Why are the numbers going up?'

It took her a little while to realize she was in the wrong hallway and when she went to turn around she knocked right into a wall. Well, at least it felt like one and landed on her back, her head hitting the concrete floor. She heard the snickers leave the other kids mouth as she cursed in her mind.

"Shit, I'm sorry" A deep voice mumbled squatting down to help her up. A rough hand pulled her up and her blurry vision landed on dark eyes. She blinked a few times and her vision came back. Standing in front of her was a boy about her age. A very attractive boy. He was almost a foot taller than her 5'3 height. His black hair was slicked back and his tan skin radiated under the fluorescent school lights.

Her mouth was slightly ajar as she stared at him. She hadn't realized how close she was to him until she felt his breath on her lips. She jerked away, grabbed her glasses on the floor and ran away in the opposite direction leaving the boy to furrow his eyebrows at her behavior. However, a small smirk played on his lips as he placed his hands in his jeans pockets and turned in the opposite direction.

'Stupid, Stupid, Stupid'

She cursed at herself in her mind and stopped in the empty hallway to fix herself. She shook her head at what had just happened. Her first day and she was already embarrassing herself. She took a deep breath before finally entering the classroom she had spent twenty minutes looking for.


It was lunchtime and Brennly cowardly walked into the large space. Multiple tables holding teenagers who were gossiping with one another. A strong lemon scent filled the room, which was mostly the cleaner they had used previously. She walked slowly to the line, avoiding people's stares. She tried to ignore the whispers but it was hard not to.

"That's the new girl, her first day here and she's already falling for Calum"  A blonde haired girl mumbled to her table and they all laughed while glancing at her. 

Brennly sighed and picked up a tray and placed it on the bench for the ladies to place food on. One of them gave her a genuine smile and she surprisingly returned it before leaving the line.

She looked around for an empty table and luckily she found one. It was however in the back of cafeteria which meant she had to walk through crowds of people to get there. Anxiety flooded her at the idea of possibly falling or hearing what they said about her as she walked past. But she was receiving more looks by just standing in the middle of the cafeteria so she hurriedly walked to the table and placed her tray down, her back turned to the judgemental people behind her.

She looked down at her tray to see a baloney sandwich and an apple on her tray.  Considering she hated baloney she just ate the apple. It had been the first thing she had eaten today. She couldn't remember to eat in the morning since she was so anxious to leave the house and get this day over with so she could go home to where she was safe, in her bed, under her covers or listening to music while drawing.

She had been so into blocking out the rest the noises, she hadn't realized someone says down next to her. Until she felt a tap on her shoulder and heard her name.

"Bre? " She relaxed when her vision landed on Kitty and small smile play on Kitty's lips.

"Hey" Kitty stated opening her salad with her expensive acrylic nails.

Brennly nodded continuing to eat her apple. She wouldn't show it, but she was extremely grateful that Kitty was here now.

"So I heard you fell for Calum Hood on your first day? " Kitty stated with a mouth full of greens.

Brennly shook her head, reaching to get a piece of paper. She grabbed her favorite red pen and wrote down a sentence on it.

"I was trying to find Algebra and I knocked into some guy and fell"

Kitty nodded, "That "guy" was Calum Hood" She pointed diagonally to a table full of girls and two boys. The dark haired boy, Calum, laughing about something one of the groupies said, his crystal white teeth showing, and his dimples revealing themselves.

"The girls drop their panties and guys clench their fists at hearing his name. That boy is the most envied guy in the building. His dad is the principal which means he gets away with anything,  and his mother is the top doctor in the town. That right there is a privileged white boy, even though he's tan, which he most likely paid for with his crisp dollars. " Brennly and stopped listening after while her eyes were on the main man himself.

She couldn't help but stare at him, he was so good looking. But unfortunately, the rest of the school seemed to agree with her since everyone was looking at their table. He had multiple girls on his arm, of which he probably slept with all of them.

"Brennly? " Kitty snapped her fingers in front of Brennly's eyes.

Her head snapped to look at Kitty, "Don't, trust me, he'll just break your heart" Kitty stated and then looked down at her salad.

Brennly wondered if there was a hidden message in Kitty's statement by decided not to think about it and just nodded her way.

"Besides, those groupies would kill you before you the chance to say hello, not like you would anyway, but you know what I mean" she babbled on and Brennly laughed silently to herself, her shoulders shaking along with her laughter. Kitty, of course, didn't hear laugh but she just smiled at Brennly.

"And, don't even think about going after Ashton, he's the same as him, a troublemaker, " Kitty pointed to the dirty blonde haired boy. He had light green eyes and hair so long it reached his shoulders, which he was flipping every five seconds. He had the same aura as Calum, rich and confident.

Brennly just nodded listening to Kitty rant about some argument she had with cashier after she was done talking about Ashton and Calum.

However, Brennly's mind was elsewhere as she was thinking about how she fell earlier, blushing in embarrassment as she remembered being so close to Calum. How his rough yet soft hands were in hers, his hot breath was hitting her lips. She shook her head throwing away the thoughts and just sat with Kitty rambling for the rest of lunch.

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