-Call Me Bre- Final Chapter

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The word guilty couldn't even describe how Brennly felt. She never even gave him a chance to explain himself. Actually, she didn't even
know for sure that Kitty was telling the truth. But, anyone would believe her if you saw how hard she was crying. She really cared about Gemma. Brennly couldn't even begin to understand how Gemma must have felt. To have the guy you are in love with not want to be apart of your life anymore.

Brennly stared up at her ceiling, her legs leaning against her wall. Her hair falling off the bed and she laid upside down. Brennly sighed and pulled out her phone. She had been practicing speaking for the past few days. With help from Cara, she can say a few words at a time now. Her throat was still very sore, but that was expected. Brennly stared at Calum's contact. Frowning at the little heart next to his name.

Brennly let out a sigh and pressed the call button. She placed the phone to her ear, her heart rate increasing steadily. She worried about how her voice would sound over the phone. She did not want to sound like a seventy-year-old man, that's been smoking all his life. But, it was too late to hang up because Calum's voice rang on the other side.

"Brennly?" He spoke, voice raspy.

Her eyes went wide at the sound of his voice. She didn't expect him to pick up as well as hearing the deep pitch of his voice. She mentally smacked herself when she realized it was 3 am, he was sleeping most likely.

"Hi," she spoke quickly, her voice cracking.

Calum chuckled at the sound. "Not that I don't want to talk, but why are you calling me at 3 am?" he asked.

Brennly sighed, "Can-can" she paused and took a deep breath. "Come over, please?"
She blushed, embarrassed at her boldness, but she wasn't going to be able to calm down until she talked to him.

"Okay," Calum tried to contain his smile as he pressed the end button. He rushed to get ready. He sprayed cologne on himself, popped in a gum and slowly climbed out his window, hoping not to wake his mother.

About ten minutes later, Brennly heard the familiar tap on her window. She turned and saw Calum waving at her. She smiled slightly and walked over to the window lifting it so he could climb in. Once he was standing in front of her she wrapped her arms around him. He took a few seconds to react, but he wrapped his arms around her as well.

"I'm sorry," Brennly cried into his shoulder. Her feelings overwhelming her, the regret of treating Calum the way she did, it stung. Calum shushed her and held her tighter. He was hoping she would tell him what he did wrong because he had been analyzing it for weeks and he needed a clear conscience now.

"Bren, what did I do?" Calum asked quietly. He pulled back and looked into her dark eyes, which were filled with tears. She shook her head, more tears falling out. "I'm so sorry," she kept repeating, not answering his question.

Calum sighed and pulled her to her bed. He sat and she followed, turning away from Calum. She was ashamed of how much she was crying. She finally let out a shaky breath and said what's been on her mind for weeks.

"Kitty told me, about Gemma," Brennly wrapped her arms around herself as she felt Calum's shoulders drop. She turned to see he had his head in his hands and his legs were shaking.

"How much did she tell you?" Calum asked a little harshly. It caused Brennly to jump at his tone. His eyes dropped, him realizing his tone and mumbling an apology.

"She told me about Gemma's pregnancy, and how you abandoned her," Brennly stated, more tears forming as she realized he wasn't denying any of it. He only avoided her gaze, holding his head in hands. "It's true isn't it?" Brennly's voice cracked, her throat felt like it was closing up. She decided she shouldn't be speaking so much. She reached for her notepad and pen, ready to respond to anything Calum said. But, the thing was, he wasn't saying anything. Until Brennly heard sobs leave his mouth, her heart instantly cracking.

"I wasn't ready to be a father. I'm still not. But I loved Gemma, and she betrayed me, Bren. She slept with Ashton, that baby probably wasn't even mine." Calum sobbed and stood up. Anger flooded through him at the memory of him walking in on his best friend and his girlfriend.

Brennly heart started racing even more as Calum paced across her bedroom. "Bren, Kitty doesn't know the full story. She never stopped to listen to the full story, she only cut me off from her life." Calum ran a hand over his face and kneeled in front of Brennly.

He placed his hand in hers and continued talking, "Gemma, she broke my heart. I had to cut her off, and when I found out she had an abortion my heart broke even more. Just knowing that I pushed her to do that, it killed me. I couldn't face her. I abandoned her, but at the same time, she abandoned me when she decided to sleep with Ashton," Calum sobbed into Brennly's lap. She stroked his hair, tears flowing down her cheeks as well.

"Bren, I'm a different person now. A part of me will always love Gemma, and I want the best for her. But, I promise you, I'm not going to hurt you Bren," Calum reached up and placed a hand on Brennly's cheek.

"How do I know that?" she scribbled on her notepad, "You lied to me, how can I trust you?"

Calum frowned and nodded, "You're right. I did lie. But, it is only cause I didn't want you to hate me because of this. Kitty already does, and I have to live with that. But, if you hated me, Bren? I don't know what I would do."

"I don't hate you," Brennly whispered. She wiped away the tears on Calum's cheeks and placed her lips on his. After a few seconds, they broke apart, and she spoke once more "I love you."


-Call Me Bre- (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now