-Call Me Bre- 7

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Have you ever felt alone? Like you were sinking while everyone else was swimming? You ever felt so closed out from everyone and everything that you never wanted to speak again?

Those were the questions that were bombarded at Brennly when she first started getting therapy. They were ones she couldn't bring herself to answer, mostly because they were true. She was empty, but she didn't know how to fix it. She knew therapy wouldn't work, it never did. She had been going for years now, even before her parents died, it was only cause Noelle would hear her crying and night and he didn't know what to do about it besides signing her up.

Since their parent's bedroom was on the first floor and Noelle's and hers were on the second he was the only one who heard her. He figured she just got some really bad dreams or something. But that's the thing, Brennly rarely got sleep. She was always worrying about where her mom was for the night; if she was lying dead in a ditch from hanging out with the wrong people. She just wanted her family to be happy, and she knew that wasn't much to ask for.

It was a Wednesday afternoon when Brennly decided to finally visit her brother. The one she hadn't seen in a year. The last time she had seen him was with blood on his hands and look of terror flooding his expression. And that was only for a few seconds before the tears stained her vision and she buried her head in her white jeans.

She had bought a new outfit which was a blue flowy dress that reached her knees. She had put her long brown hair up in a bun and put on light makeup. She wanted the last vision of her in her brothers head to disappear. She wanted him to see she was doing okay, even if she wasn't, she wanted him to think so.

She anxiously sat in the cold steel chair in the dark room. A fluorescent light hung overhead, which was the only light in the room. Across the room was a wide window which she couldn't see through, it was most likely one-sided. Which meant some random person was staring her down which made her even more nervous.

'What if he hates me? What if he wants me dead for letting him go to jail?'

She could feel the tears trying to pool in her eyes. She shook her head trying to get rid of both her thoughts and the tears; she wouldn't ruin her makeup, not today.

Her heart started to hammer when the heavy door next to window opened. Noelle walked through with a dark-skinned female police officer holding his muscular arm. Noelle looked the same, but completely different at the same time. His light brown hair was ruffled, his bright green eyes were accompanied with bags under his eyes. A long slash was running across his left cheek and Brennly's eyes widened at the sight of it.

The officer took the handcuffs off his strained hands.

"Fifteen minutes," was all the lady officer said before walking towards the door and slamming it on her way out.

"Don't worry, she always has a stick up her ass," Noelle joked, and a light giggle left Brennly's lips causing him to smile lightly.

He stood awkwardly by the door, his hands resting in the bright orange jumpsuit that was placed on his body.

"You, uh, look nice," he mumbled while waving his hands at her appearance. His green eyes refused to meet her coffee ones which were boring into his face.

Brennly nodded and smiled lightly. A few moments later he sat down in the chair across from her at the table. He folded his hands over one another, they were blue at the knuckles and he had a few light scars.

Brennly pointed at his hands and his face, silently asking what happened.

He sighed, "The, uh, people in here don't like me very much," He scratched his neck and continued, "They call me, an m-m-murderer and a-" he didn't want to continue with the next word because it was a word he had to deal with all his life even though it wasn't true.

Brennly had a feeling of what it was and she just nodded, telling him that he didn't have to go on with it.

She sighed and placed both her hands on his. She didn't know how this originally was going to go, but it broke her heart to see him this way, so weak and alone. She reached into her pocket and placed the letter she had written in his hands.

His eyebrow furrowed as he looked at it, "What's this?" He asked, his voice cracking with the tears that had fallen.

It said Dear, Nollie on the front of it. Nollie was his nickname Brennly had given him when she couldn't pronounce his name when she was little. The five-year difference between them had no effect on the bond they had built over the years. However, it had dwindled a little when their mother had died, causing them to be distant.

Tears started to pour out of Noelle's eyes even more as read it.

Dear Nollie,

Please don't hate me. I'm so sorry for everything that has happened. It's my fault that dad died, it's my fault that you're in here. If I hadn't left dad alone in the kitchen he would still be alive. If I had just spoken up, you wouldn't be in jail. But I knew they wouldn't listen to me, I knew no one would. The last thing I said was to dad, and it wasn't even something rememberable.

I don't want to ruin anything else with words. I don't want to slip up and then lose everything all over again. Cara and you are all I have left and I'm afraid if I say anything I will lose you two.

Please don't hate me.

I wasn't the daughter mom wanted, and I know I'm not the sister you want either, but I want to be better. I want to try my best to make us close again, but I'm afraid me not wanting to speak will ruin it. I don't even remember what my voice sounds like and that scares me. But, please don't leave me.

Love, Brennly.

When Noelle was done, he didn't even say anything. He just folded the paperback and stood up. With tears running down his chiseled face, he wrapped his arms around Brennly's frail frame and sobbed on her bare shoulder.

Tears had now found their way to Brennly's face inevitably ruining her makeup, but she didn't care. She held on tight to her brother and sobbed as well.

"I'm never leaving you Bre," He said in between sobs. His voice was barely a whisper now but she still heard him. She only nodded and held him tighter.


Authors Note

-Hope you enjoyed this chapter, I actually had writer block and had no idea what to do with this chapter, then I finally got the idea for Noelle and Brennly to reunite. Hopefully, you got a better insight into the Kent family.

Later Lovelies

-Call Me Bre- (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now