-Call Me Bre- 10

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The next few days were very frustrating for Brennly. She sat in her room every day after school just wondering, how could she have feelings for someone like that. So inconsiderate of how someone else feels, but then at the same time, she knew nothing about Calum. She didn't know his reasoning for not wanting to be with Gemma.

He was sixteen years old, obviously not ready to be a father. But, just to think he couldn't even be there for her when she got an abortion? Or at least be there for her when she was breaking down? Just something considering they were together for a year?

Brennly hated it, she hated the situation, she hated that Kitty told her in the first place. Why did she have ruin Brennly's eyesight?

She tried her best to avoid Calum, he kept chasing after her in the halls or coming back to the library only to find out that she wasn't there. She just couldn't face him, not until she could come to terms with some kind of explanation as to why Calum did what he did. Her heart aches as she thought of Gemma being alone in that hospital, she didn't even know the girl, but the way Kitty talked about her, she sounded like a great person.

Brennly didn't want to become Gemma, as messed up as it sounds. Noelle is already in jail, and is an orphan, wouldn't it just be the cherry on top if his sister went crazy as well.

Brennly spent her time drawing and talking to Cara. She explained why there was a boys sweater on her bedroom floor, which surprising Cara understood. Stating that she was seventeen and that she was basically an adult, so late night adventures were expected.

She left out details of what happened to Gemma, because she didn't want to disrespect the poor girl by telling her business, and Kitty trusted her with that information. Cara was very understanding about everything, mostly cause she loved Brennly and she wanted her to feel like she could trust her, and that she had someone.

"So, are we team Calum or not?" Cara asked slyly as she cut up some lettuce. She pulled the apron closer to her body, tying the white strings as she glanced at her daughter who was sitting on a stool diagonal from her.

Brennly only shrugged and chewed on a carrot as she waited for Cara to finish dinner. She hadn't eaten all day.  Mostly cause every time she saw Calum she wanted to throw up.

She shifted on the leather stool and placed her elbows on the granite counter, admiring Cara as she cooked, slightly humming as she did. Just like her father used to do. She shook her head, she didn't want to be even more upset then she has been all week.

"Bre, whatever happened between him and that girl, its the past. I can see he really cares for you, at least be his friend?" Cara said, placing a plate with chicken and greens in front of Brennly, and a plate next to her, taking a seat there.

Brennly didn't respond, she only stabbed the plates and stuffed greens into her mouth. Cara sighed and ate along with her in silence.

A knock on the front door is what disrupted their silence. Cara looked at Brennly, asking if she was expecting anyone. Brennly shook her head and Cara sighed and got up from her stool and ran towards the glass front door.

"Hi, how may I help you?" Cara said politely once she opened the door.

"Hi, um is Brennly home?" The deep voice which Brennly noticed instantly caused her to almost choke on her food. She grabbed the water next to her and swallowed quickly.

'No, No, No'

She started freaking out, she did not want to see or talk to Calum. And now here he was, on her doorstep with his boyish smile that caused her to smile. But she quickly shook her head and ran put the stairs.

Calum saw her run up the stairs and a frown fell on his face. Cara smiled at him sincerely, "She uh, she's not feeling well, the flu I think, but-"

Calum interrupted her politely, "No its okay, Ms. Baker, she's been doing that at school as well, I just wish I knew what I did," he sighs and rubs the back of his head before smiling lightly and turning to walk away.

He stopped in his tracks, reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a bracelet. It was silver, with a single charm on it, a small violin. He smiled t it and placed it in Cara's hand, "Tell her I said happy birthday"

Cara nodded and closed the door as Calum walked down their pathway and turned, disappearing into the darkness. Cara frowned at the gift, debating whether or not it would upset Brennly more, or change her mind on the boy.

-Call Me Bre- (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now