-Call Me Bre- 5

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Chapter Five

One year ago

"Brennly, would you come here sweetie," Her father her called out to her, his tall broad frame was faced away from her as she jogged down the stairs.

"What's up dad?" She replied as she skipped over to the kitchen and took a seat on the leather stool. Her father was a few feet away from her at the kitchen island, he was cutting up carrots, which were her favorite vegetables.

"I was going to make a salad for dinner, but I realized we only have carrots," He chuckled lightly. He was a very attractive man for his age of 45, light stubble on his pale skin, a sharp jawline and crystal green eyes, which Noelle got, unfortunately. Brennly had always wished she could have gotten his eyes, then maybe her mother would have loved her more.

Brennly frowned, her thoughts had slipped away from her and she didn't even notice her father was still talking about the carrots. He had finally asked her a question which brought her back.

"Bre, do you want pizza instead? because there's nothing in the fridge,"
He looked at her confused as to what she had been thinking about but refused to ask.

She nodded and just walked away to the living room to watch some TV. She found her brother, Noelle, talking on his phone to his latest conquest. Brennly rolled her eyes and placed her self on the red couch diagonal from him.

The next few seconds were a blur. All she could remember was the blood and screaming and her father's lifeless body crumbling to the floor. The blood that was on her hands and her face as she sobbed.

Noelle was the one that pulled the knife out of his neck, not wanting his father to suffer anymore. He had never cried so hard in his life, not even when his mother died. He placed to knife on the floor next to father, he didn't even think about cleaning it off in case, they tried to pin it on him. However, he could never kill his father, he and Brennly were all he had. He had run after the hooded killer that night but he never found him. All he found was flashing red and blue lights and cuffs around his hands.

The police wouldn't believe him, he had the blood on his hands, and the fingerprints on the weapon, but they never found a motive. Brennly knew it wasn't him, she knew that her brow he was innocent, but she couldn't even bring herself to tell them, because the last thing she ever said was to her father, and it wasn't even something meaningful.


Author Note

So this was kind of a filler chapter just so you could understand Brennly a little bit more, I hope it helped. The next chapter will be longer I promise. Thanks for reading 💕💕

-Call Me Bre- (Calum Hood)Where stories live. Discover now