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I wanted to have a simple small change this year. A change where the girls won't be making me work as their slave. A change where we can all pitch in and help each other. But i know that change won't happen unless i make it happen. But i am going to need some help maybe i can ask my friend jinyoung. Maybe he can help me. Couldn't hurt to ask right?

"Chaeyoung where are you heading to?" Jennie asked.

I tried to hesitate to tell them but it got the best of me instead.

"I'm going to see a friend." I said.

"What friend?" Jisoo asked.

"Yeah what friend." Lisa agreed.

I just know that they are not going to let me leave without asking me questions first.

"Jinyoung. I just met him not too long ago. He is really a nice guy once you get to know him. He lives with 6 boys but no pets. I know this cause he told me not too long ago as well." I say.

Lisa seemed like she bought it but i'm not so sure about jennie and jisoo.

"Well we are not letting you go alone." Jisoo says.

"But why?" I asked.

"Because we don't know if this jinyoung guy is going to either rape or kill you. We have to be there to protect you rosie. There's no changing that." Jennie said.

Why do my unnie's always treat me like i'm some kid? They treat lisa the same way. So why should i have two supervisors with me anyway?

I sighed as jennie and jisoo tagged along. Lisa wanted to come too but jisoo said no cause she needed to watch the dogs especially dalgom.

As i led them to where jinyoung lives without even asking him where he lives. I just kinda guessed actually.

As we went to the third floor and saw a sign that said jinyoung's place in bold letters.

As i knocked on the door hearing a faint "coming!" From inside.

The door opens as jinyoung smiles brightly.

"Ah! Rosé! You came and with some friends!" Jinyoung exclaimed.

I smiled as i walked in and jennie and jisoo walk in behind me.

"Gladly to introduce myself. I'm jinyoung your friend rosé is a really lucky girl to have you." Jinyoung says loyal.

Jennie smirks as jisoo bowed to him.

"Before we can even manage to stay here and chat. I would like to ask some questions." Jennie says.

Is jennie really have to be this stubborn? Jisoo's the opposite compared to jennie.

"What are your majors?" Jennie asked.

"Well i do like to paint really interest landscape culture. But i also love to act in a movie or tv program some day." Jinyoung said.

I was amazed. I've never knew he could paint or act.

"What do you look for in a girl?" Jennie asked.

"That's a little too personal jennie." Jisoo says.

I agree that is really personal for jennie to ask jinyoung about.

"No worries. I don't mind." Jinyoung says.

"See he doesn't mind. Now butt out will you." Jennie demanded.

As jisoo stood next to me not saying another word.

"Anyways what do you look for in a girl?" Jennie asked again.

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