june 9th, 1989 [12]

241 18 6

"what the hell does that mean?" mike asked, throwing his hands in the air with an unbelievable tone. stan, bill, and richie all contently watched eddie.

"last night," he started, "i went to talk to my mommy. she called." it took a whole lot for richie to not laugh at eddie saying "mommy", but thankfully eddie went on uninterrupted. "after she hung up the girl that had walked me there started...changing."

bill knit his eyebrows. "wha-what kind of chuh-chaning?"

"changing. i can't explain it...but it's like she lost her humanity. she looked like a thing. she talked like a thing. her words..." eddie couldn't finish. he stared at the wall as he began to drift off, tears welling in his eyes. richie gnawed on his bottom lip before wrapping a strong arm around eddie's shoulders.

stan was the most confused of them all. he didn't want to call eddie a liar, but what else would he be considered? it's not possible for a teenage girl to shift into an inhuman thing, or so stanley surely believed. "whatever, guys. it's probably just a coincidence. and eddie, that was probably a nightmare." no one interjected. "let's go to the quarry to let our minds clear."

bill, mike, and richie agreed, while eddie shook his head to snap out of his daze. richie kept his hands on eddie's shoulders as the group walked out of the cabin and towards the quarry.

eddie was having a hard time forgetting about everything. he couldn't help but overthink a situation, it was like second nature to him. as they walked, richie removed his hands from his shoulders; in turn, he reached down and took a hold of eddie's hand with his own. bill looked at them with jealousy; it wasn't fair that they had an excuse to hold hands. he wanted to hold stan's hand so bad, but lucky ole' tozier gets a hand grab because eddie is shaken up.

the group of five made it to the quarry, only then figuring out that they didn't have on any suits. mike shrugged, "i guess we should, like, go for a walk? in the forest?" he always had a thing for nature, it was one of his favorite things. he enjoyed sitting down and watching grass sway in the breeze, or animals graze peacefully, or budding flowers slowly grow. 

the rest of the boys agreed, and they all began walking towards the forest. mike, eddie, and richie walked ahead of the other two, eddie thankfully getting a lot better but refusing to let go of richie's hand. stan would normally walk faster than two miles per hour, but he told himself to go slow so he could walk with bill.

"duh-do you think eddie is o-okay?" bill asked in a low whisper, looking over at stan as they listened to the brief crackling of leaves under their feet. "what he suh-said really wuh-wuh-worried me," he looked back down.

stanley shrugged, looking over at bill. he nearly took his breath away. "i don't believe that stuff could happen. like, the whole girl-turning-into-an-it thing? i don't believe it. it just sounds like a nightmare." bill gazed at him, about to speak but as he looked into stan's eyes his breath hitched in his throat.

it nearly happened to stanley, too, but he looked up at the three boys ahead of them. bill cleared his throat, "duh-don't you think you're buh-buh-being a little i-insensitive, stan?" stan shrugged once more, the two boys finally connecting eyes for longer than a second. they walked and looked at each other until bill nearly tripped over a stick.

after that, they both had their heads forward, following the three boys ahead of them. but bill grew tired of following. he stopped his moving feet, causing stan to do so, too. "why did you-"

"my fuh-feet are tired. cah-can we just suh-suh-sit down for a little?" bill asked before stan could finish. stan nodded, looking around before clearing a tree stump from dirt and leaves and sitting down. bill did the same thing to a stump across from stan's. "i'm nuh-not really tired," bill admitted after a few moments of silence. "i just wah-wah-wanted to be with you, uh-alone.

stan smiled to himself a little, raising his gaze to look at bill. he took in his full beauty; the way his short, brown hair was matted to his forehead from the heat; the way his plump, pink lips were parted slightly after each sentence; the way the sun hit his eyes just perfectly to make them dazzle. stan watched bill's lips as he smiled, "you're stuh-stuh-staring, stan."

he coughed immediately, feeling heat rush to his cheeks as he tried to rebound. "yeah-um, i, uh...yeah, i was," he gave up. bill giggled softly, standing up from the stump and taking a few steps forward, towards stan. stan stood up, too, his heart beginning to beat out of his chest. 

the sun gleamed down from between the branches and leaves, but still managed to leave a perfect spotlight on the two. bill raised his hands and cupped stan's cheeks, licking his lips slightly. before bill could make a move, stan placed his hands on the small of bill's back and pushed their bodies together.

the only thing that had space from each other were their lips. bill leaned up and pressed them together, trying not to ruin the kiss by smiling. he felt a jolt of electricity run through him, and he felt purely...happy. bill denbrough felt happy; something that hasn't happened in awhile.

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