june 9th, 1989 [14]

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nightfall came quicker than expected. after aimlessly walking around the forest for god knows how long, the boys came back to the cabins. teenagers were leaving to go to late night while the kids were tucking in; stan, bill, richie, mike and eddie all went with the former. they ventured back into the woods and took a seat on the tree stumps around the flames.

there were less people here than two nights ago, eddie immediately realized. unfortunately, there were only three girls present: beverly marsh, one of mike's friends; jane ives, a girl that almost no one knows; finally, betty ripsom, someone that went to eddie's school. he recognized her before but didn't bother to say anything.

the rest of the eight were guys: richie, eddie, mike, stan, bill, ben hanscom, william byers, a boy that nearly no one knows, and michael wheeler. the last boy mentioned surprised eddie by looking almost exactly like richie, except richie had a more defined bone structure and better style. well, at least to eddie his style was better. michael, who goes by mike, was protectively close to jane, an arm around her shoulder in a gentle embrace.

eddie couldn't help but stare. the more he stared, the more he noticed mike didn't look all like richie; he had his own expression and facial properties. and eddie thought he was gorgeous.

"okay!" beverly clapped her hands together, looking around at the tight circle, "we have a small group tonight, but not to worry!" she ruffled the boy next to her, ben's, hair. eddie noticed his cheeks tint as he fixed his hair. "all we will play today, due to the loss of a few people, is truth or dare! everyone ready?"

there were mumbles from the crowd. eddie looked over at bill, who was smiling and looking down at his lap. stan was glancing at bill with a smile on his face, too. eddie couldn't see due to the darkness, but he swore their hands were somewhere near the other's. "great!" beverly squeaked, causing eddie to look up a her. "i'll go first. richie, truth or dare?"

richie smiled contently; he loved being first in these types of games. to make sure he was known is all he really needs when he's with people. he needs reassurance. "oh, beverly marsh, i always knew you had a wicked crush on me." richie placed his hand over his heart dramatically. she giggled. eddie sure didn't. 

"shut up, you flirt," she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, and even in the darkness eddie could see the flush on her cheeks. he pressed his lips together and waited for richie to answer.

richie clasped his hands behind his head and leaned back, but immediately sat up straight when he nearly fell back. "dare; who do you think i am? some spazz?" beverly giggled again; to eddie it sounded like some frog crying for help. it was clearly forced. and ugly. 

"i dare you," she started, standing up and walking over to him. she placed a hand on his chin and lifted his head up to look at her, then leaned down so they were inches apart. richie's face grew darker as he felt her hot breath on his lips. "to," she paused once more, her eyes flickering down to his lips, "play seven minutes in heaven with betty ripsom." with those words, she pulled away and smiled bright, pointing at poor betty.

richie licked his lips and attempted a smirk. "whatever you say, beverly marsh." he stood up and walked to betty, grabbing her hand with his own. she had a terribly mad blush spread along her cheekbone, yet she smiled and let richie lead her into the woods.

eddie couldn't believe anything he just saw or heard. beverly announced the group now must wait for them, so everyone could talk if they want. eddie just watched as richie's body faded into the dark abyss of trees and fallen leaves. michael wheeler stood up and walked over to eddie. "may i sit?" he asked politely, to which eddie replied with a light hum in confusion.

michael, preferably mike, laughed lightly and sat next to eddie. "you friends with richie tozier?" he asked. eddie shrugged and diverted his gaze to his shorts. he didn't want to look at mike, he looked too much like richie. but then again, he didn't. he was his own person, and eddie knows this...he was just too damn gorgeous to look at. "you're eddie, right? i'm mike," he held out a hand. 

the first mistake eddie committed that night was look at michael wheeler after he offered a hand. he was instantly lost in those brown irises, the naturally curly hair, and the way his smile made his whole face light up with warmth and welcome. mike giggled, quite literally giggled, after he noticed eddie staring. he reached down and took the boy's hand with his own, shaking it firmly before setting their hands down. but he didn't let go of eddie's.

"do you want to be here, eddie? it doesn't look like you're having much fun," mike observed, and slowly rubbed his thumb across eddie's knuckles. the smaller boy shrugged and looked down at their hands; that's when the realization struck. are they holding hands? is this just a friendly gesture? what the hell was richie doing with betty ripsom in a dark forest? "c'mon, let's go to the quarry. we can get to know each other," mike said lowly, yet his voice was soft and sweet.

eddie nodded without thinking. mike smiled and stood up, letting go of eddie's hand in the process. the other stood up, too, and shot a glance at stan before walking out of the circle with mike. as they walked through the forest to make it to the quarry, mike stretched his hand out and took eddie's again.

the smaller smiled to himself and continued walking. in the forest, though, they passed an incredibly awkward richie tozier; all mouth, no game, that's for sure. betty bit her lip as she stood, watching as richie further embarrassed himself as he explained how he did not want to do this at all. but as he explained, he saw two figures, hand-in-hand, walk off together. and he'd be damned if that wasn't eddie kaspbrak.

"i'll be right back," he assured betty, and off he went to follow eddie and the other mysterious boy. 

the second mistake eddie kaspbrak committed that night was leave with michael wheeler. because richie tozier would follow, leaving betty rispom to face her doom alone.

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