Chapter 3

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I jolt up from the floor and snap my head to the window. I can see the moon up in the sky. It's night! I have to get out of here. I pick myself up and run to the door, scrabbling against the door knob to find it locked. Curse these paws! I run over to the back door. Also locked. Why this night of all nights?

I start to panic and whine, when I suddenly hear someone knocking at the door. "Hello? Is anyone home? Grandma?"

Oh no! It's the red hooded girl! The door gives a loud groan as it opens and I get even more panicked. I quickly climb onto the couch and paw at the window, but it doesn't give and I try to melt into the couch. I hear her walk in; she doesn't turn on the light. I watch her shadow as she approaches, the moonlight from the window illuminating her green eyes. By her so far calm and lazed posture, it doesn't seem that she sees me yet.

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