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  The next morning, Taehyung realized the absence of annoying insults from beside him. The male was out, and it was possibly the worst thing that could happen to Taehyung.

  Where would he get his entertainment? His fun? The only happiness that stemmed from this boring class? It was disastrous, and unbelievably sad.

"Hey, Namjoon!"

  He whispered-yelled to the elder student, who was sitting two seats down. Namjoon's head shot up, and he looked around.

"Over here! Hey! Come sit here."

  Namjoon frowned at Taehyung's lack of attention for the actual studies. He knew that Taehyung was on the verge of failing, and it definitely annoyed him that he didn't at least attempt to help his marks.

  But, he shrugged it off, and considered the idea that Taehyung might be asking for help. This encouraged him to scoot two seats down to where the brunette would usually be sitting.

"What's up?"

  Taehyung scoffed, looking down at the professor.

"I don't understand anything he's saying. How do you get good marks?"

  Namjoon laughed, and grabbed onto Taehyung's shoulder. He patted it a few times before pulling him closer.

  Taehyung wasn't very attracted to Namjoon, really. The man just wasn't his type, and they weren't good friends either. The silver-haired male could tell what he was doing, and he found it hardly endearing. Too bad.

"I get good marks...because I study."

  As he said this, he slowly turned his head toward Taehyung's books, and back to his face. The audacity!

  Taehyung pushed him away with a grunt, realizing that he'd be no help.

"I study too, snot-face."

  The blonde just chuckled, and returned to his studies. Taehyung was highly fed up with his attitude at that point, so he very maturely blew a raspberry at him.

  Namjoon recoiled in disgust, and slapped his face away.

"Did you just spit on me?"

  His voice was like a father's, and boy did that scare Taehyung. Immediately, he shrinked back into his chair, scooting as far as he could from Namjoon.

  Namjoon gave out a laugh that sounded throughout the room. The professor's head snapped toward the two, and he grunted. He set down his pointing stick, and the entire class went silent.

  The professor stared the two young men down, his strict gaze making Taehyung question his sanity.

"Are you talking in my class?"

  Namjoon looked to Taehyung for an answer, but Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders, obviously providing no help whatsoever.

  Namjoon kicked his leg from under the table.

"No sir–we'd never."

  Taehyung tried to keep a straight face through the lie, but god, it was hard. And the difficulty sure did get to him, because the professor did not look amused nor convinced.

  He slammed his hand on the desk, making Taehyung and Namjoon jump five feet out of their skin.

"And now you're lying to me? See me after class, both of you."


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