
18 3 1


  Taehyung hurriedly pushed himself out the door, trying not to go to fast and sweat, while also trying not to go to slow and arrive even more late. His hair was brushed and gelled perfectly, and his clothes were completely lacking wrinkles in their utmost neatness.

  He looked hot. And, god, did he know it.

  But matter it did not, since he was late as hell to a party held by a friend of his, Jimin. Jimin did not play around when it came to parties, and Taehyung knew that.

  So, he rushed outside and pulled on his leather coat. His feet carried him across the large campus, his head pounding. Ideas of what Jimin would do to him swarmed his brain.

  Would he hang him by his toenails? Shoot him and drop him in a river? Drug him and give him to some guy?



  Taehyung stopped in his tracks, but he was too late. He bumped into a figure, and went tumbling down with it, the figure screeching.

  Ouch. The boy felt around, until he came to his senses. He looked down, and saw that he was lying directly on top of the brunette from maths. The younger looked pained, but also fairly lost.

  The younger stared into Taehyung's blue contact lenses, lost in thought. Taehyung stammered, until his brain became fully conscious, and allowed him to push himself up.

"Sorry! I-I was just running, and, well..I didn't see you there. Um, are you okay?"

  The brunette smiled sheepishly, still regaining his posture. He brushed his pant legs with his hands, trying to rid them of any dirt (and cooties.)

  He looked up, and saw the older's golden hand, illuminated in the soft glow of the streetlights, reaching for him. It took him a minute to figure out what he meant, because he was just, well, so mesmerized.

  After a few moments, or actually two or three minutes, the younger student took Taehyung's hand in his own, and Taehyung pulled him up swiftly.

"Well, I've got to go to a party that I'm..very late to. I'll see you around, yeah?"

  The younger nodded, before fully comprehending what he said. He turned around and caught Taehyung's wrist just before he was out of his reach.

"Wait—party? Who's hosting?"

  Taehyung cleared his throat, clearing wishing for the younger to just let go so he wouldn't get berated for his lateness. But, he didn't want to be rude, so he just faked a smiled and responded.

"Jimin. Park Jimin. Do you know him?"

  The brunette boy let go of his hand, and placed a finger upon his soft lips, as though he were deeply thinking.

  Within a few moments, he pointed his finger to the sky and smiled.

"Yeah! I know him. Small guy, right?"

  Taehyung threw his head back and laughed, his adams apple bobbing with the vibrations. It, reasonably, made the younger let out a nervous chuckle, and shuffle his feet.

  The older male patted his shoulder and leaned in close, grinning with his signature boxy smile that all the girls, and some guys even, fawned over.

"Yes, the small guy. You comin'? It's over in Redwood. But..you're going to have to change, if you're coming."

  Taehyung looked the brunette up and down, studying his appearance. A worn hoodie, with ripped and distressed jeans. Cute, sure, but not party material whatsoever.

  He gave him a small smile, and then began walking away, throwing a heart sign from over his shoulder.

"See you there, dude. Oh wait—one more question."

  Taehyung spun around, a thoughtful expression displayed on his features. He bowed his head a little, as if suspiciously.

"How old are you?"

  The younger rubbed his neck, and chuckled.

"I'm 18, hyung."

  Taehyung's face lit up, and he jumped up in glee. He threw a few peace signs at the very confused other, who was staring at him weirdly.


"Alright! Well, I'll see you there! And look sexy, it's very vital! Bye!"

  The male skipped off, leaving the younger to stand there, aroused and confused.


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